Out of the cast!
Every time I go in for x-ray, I learn something else about the extent of my injury. Evidently the doctor had to "fill in" holes in the radius that had been punched by other bones in the wrist. And the filler has been well assimilated, the break is fusing, and I have graduated from cast to splint which I am allowed to remove five times a day for stretching exercise, and (drum roll please) for bathing! I scrubbed my left arm from fingertips to elbow for the first time in 2 months. Oh god it was glorious!! Oh, yes! ahhhh, oooo, just like that! Mmmm, harder, Yeeeeesssss!
The stretching hurts like a sumbich but I gotta do it if I'm gonna get my hand back. Amazing how weak and stiff you can get in a brief two months. And pale! I didn't think I COULD get paler, but there is a definite like of demarcation just below the fingers.
Oh, and I have a new story - I was at Nordstrom's half-yearly sale and this supermodel type shoved me away from a rack of Balenciaga dresses at 75% off. So I shoved her back and it must have been when I punched her in the head that I broke my wrist. . .
The stretching hurts like a sumbich but I gotta do it if I'm gonna get my hand back. Amazing how weak and stiff you can get in a brief two months. And pale! I didn't think I COULD get paler, but there is a definite like of demarcation just below the fingers.
Oh, and I have a new story - I was at Nordstrom's half-yearly sale and this supermodel type shoved me away from a rack of Balenciaga dresses at 75% off. So I shoved her back and it must have been when I punched her in the head that I broke my wrist. . .
At 7:24 AM ,
LA said...
Yippeee!!!! I know that you'll be very diligent about exercising your wrist...that's very important! I like your new "cover" story.
At 11:54 AM ,
mplanck said...
I'm so glad your imagination didn't suffer when you broke your wrist. :-) Love the latest hyperbole.
At 1:49 PM ,
Tim Young said...
Wow Roxie, when you break a bone you do a good job of it. I'm glad you are in a splint now. They are a lot easier to deal with.
At 2:20 PM ,
Rose L said...
or maybe it was that time you were in the mud wrestling contest clad in that form fitting one-piece swim suit...
At 3:21 PM ,
Galad said...
That is wonderful news. So glad you are on the mend and could actually wash your arm!
At 5:21 PM ,
sophanne said...
YES! I love the new story. Even better than the skateboard one.
Except maybe you could have used "karat-ay" (karate) instead of punching her.
At 5:46 PM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Roxie! Breaking your arm, then punching uppity bitches. What has gotten into you?!
Good for you, don't let them push you around.
At 12:26 PM ,
Benita said...
I remember when I finally got to scrub my wrist and hand after my carpal tunnel surgery - and yes, it felt sooooo good! Congrats on not having to have a cast anymore.
At 1:22 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
LOL-- of COURSE that's what happened! It could have been when you were nobly protecting a weasly politician from muggers, too--because you ARE my hero:-)
At 5:25 AM ,
Alwen said...
My girlfriend from HS spent some time in a body cast, and she always said the worst part was having an itch she couldn't scratch!
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