When I don't know what to say,
. . . sometimes I just start typing and topics rush in to fill the void. Not today, though. One of my facebook buddies (Troy simpson) said, "I feel as gay as a bagful of butterflies." and I am struck dumb with envy at the apt simile. What could be gayer than a big bagful of butterflies?
At 8:45 AM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
A handbag of rainbows? ;)
At 4:48 PM ,
Sheeprustler said...
That phrase is haunting me! I told him it was an image that disturbed me and now I find it everywhere I go! ha ha just joking. Though I have never thought about the sexuality of butterflies. Maybe in the more old-fashioned sense of 'gay', however, it is a sweet phrase :)
At 11:23 PM ,
Tim Young said...
At 6:38 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Why would a bag of butterflies be gay? Wouldn't it be beautiful?
At 12:00 PM ,
Rose L said...
A bagful of butterflies would be sad as they should not be contained, but rather set free!!!
At 6:46 PM ,
grins said...
Just following threads and saw your pic with the leaf. Had to read some. It was good to hear casts are more porous. I will probably be in one for a long time soon. I never know if I should envy you authors or not. I'm not a good deadline person. You sure seem to have an amazing attitude. Have been a little too stupid to write lately. I can tell because I have to edit five pages about thirty times. Pain killers and anti-seizure meds will do that. I still attempt it as I have nothing to do. Enjoyed your blog. Not crazy about bags of butterflies, but seems to suit your personality at least the one perceived by me. Dan
At 10:56 AM ,
tlbw said...
As a possibly salutory antidote to Similes Gone Wild, may I suggest the best poem I have encountered in months, "I Would Like To Describe" by Zbigniew Herbert. I sent it to Roxie - but it is easily found on any internet poetry site. Actually the Oregonian printed it some months ago. It is on my bulletin board, and I read it everyday. It's that good.
At 11:00 AM ,
tlbw said...
On more or less that same topic of "block that metaphor (or simile)" there is, of course, William Carlos Williams' famous red wheelbarrow...
At 6:47 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
A trunk full of shiny red shoes;-)
At 11:02 PM ,
Bobbie Wallace said...
Heard a phrase yesterday that made me think of you and how much you'd enjoy it: "She's always so dammned chipper, I bet she farts rainbows and belches butterflies." Isn't that just too funny?!
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