"Had I teeth of pearl and breath of lillies . . .
I might call it ennui, but as it is, I must confess to laziness." Oscar Wilde
The past week or so has been divine with afternoons in the upper 70s and low 80s, and I have been lounging for hours outside, reading books, sipping iced tea, and generally hanging loose. Napping with the cats has occurred as well. And quite a lot of sitting in the shade and gazing at the play of sunlight in the leaves. Honestly, if I accomplished much less in a day I might quit breathing. Oh, but it's been glorious! I've been meditating without the yoga clothes or the proper mats or the vedic mantras or any of that righteous stuff. Freee-range meditation your might call it. And I refuse to feel any more guilt than is absolutely necessary.
I made it to the book fair down in Pioneer Square (Portland's living room as it were) and did my stint on the bricks. I have much praise and admiration for Pat and Susan who spent the entire day there! All I succeeded in doing was encouraging other self-publlished authors to contact Puddletow Press to get their books into e-format. With any luck, I'll be getting my paperback books this week. Any requests for autographs and endorsements? (for example, "Linda G. is a saint and you are damn lucky to be getting a book from her. Happy Birthday, Roxanna Matthews.")
I have been knitting gently and slowly along, and am surprised and how much stronger and more limber I am getting. Can hardly wait for the cast removal on Friday. Maybe I can go to a brace then. If not, I don't know if I'm going back to a pink cast, or trying something differnt. I'll follow my whim.
Sock Summit was inspired madness. I didn't attend classes, but did swing by the vendors. What a plethora of yarn! I was giddy with the choices. and thene there was the flashmob singing "I've had the time of my Life," to their yarn and completely discombobulating all the public transit riders who witnessed it. Watching the U-tube of that lead me into watching other flash mobs around the world - - -
U-Tube is like peanuts for me. I can't stop at just one!
Oh, and TBW and Alwen are right. Those white flowers with two red petals are "Hot Lips" Doncha love it?
Thanks for help, ladies!
The past week or so has been divine with afternoons in the upper 70s and low 80s, and I have been lounging for hours outside, reading books, sipping iced tea, and generally hanging loose. Napping with the cats has occurred as well. And quite a lot of sitting in the shade and gazing at the play of sunlight in the leaves. Honestly, if I accomplished much less in a day I might quit breathing. Oh, but it's been glorious! I've been meditating without the yoga clothes or the proper mats or the vedic mantras or any of that righteous stuff. Freee-range meditation your might call it. And I refuse to feel any more guilt than is absolutely necessary.
I made it to the book fair down in Pioneer Square (Portland's living room as it were) and did my stint on the bricks. I have much praise and admiration for Pat and Susan who spent the entire day there! All I succeeded in doing was encouraging other self-publlished authors to contact Puddletow Press to get their books into e-format. With any luck, I'll be getting my paperback books this week. Any requests for autographs and endorsements? (for example, "Linda G. is a saint and you are damn lucky to be getting a book from her. Happy Birthday, Roxanna Matthews.")
I have been knitting gently and slowly along, and am surprised and how much stronger and more limber I am getting. Can hardly wait for the cast removal on Friday. Maybe I can go to a brace then. If not, I don't know if I'm going back to a pink cast, or trying something differnt. I'll follow my whim.
Sock Summit was inspired madness. I didn't attend classes, but did swing by the vendors. What a plethora of yarn! I was giddy with the choices. and thene there was the flashmob singing "I've had the time of my Life," to their yarn and completely discombobulating all the public transit riders who witnessed it. Watching the U-tube of that lead me into watching other flash mobs around the world - - -
U-Tube is like peanuts for me. I can't stop at just one!
Oh, and TBW and Alwen are right. Those white flowers with two red petals are "Hot Lips" Doncha love it?
Thanks for help, ladies!
At 3:11 PM ,
Rose L said...
A life of casualness...sounds delightful! I almost picture you in a lightweight gauzy gown, fan in one hand, chilled tea in the other, pearl necklace lolling between breasts, red hat napping on the green grass, barefeet tickled by the breeze, and your figure tattooed by lacy leaf show. Almost sounds sensual!!
Keep it up girl, you deserve it!
At 4:08 PM ,
Orice said...
Thumbs up for the free-range meditation, Roxie. Stash the guilt and enjoy.
At 9:41 PM ,
Tim Young said...
Salvia microphylla, A sage I didn't recognize. I understand sipping the nectar from the base of the flower is a treat.
At 5:15 AM ,
Donna Lee said...
It sounds like perfection to me. I'd take it for as long as it lasts and enjoy.
I can't wait for the paperback books! I want to buy one of each as a gift and if you could write something inside, that makes them more precious.
At 5:38 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
It's been mid 90's here, but the humidity is killing me.
Congrats on the self-directed meditations.
At 9:38 AM ,
Willow said...
Self-directed meditation. Love it!
Please post the link for the you tube flash mob. I've googled it and come up with 'no results'.
At 5:27 PM ,
Rose L said...
Ugh! My previous post was supposed to say "lacy leaf shadow."
At 6:45 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
So jealous-- I actually tried to sign up for Sock Summit, hoping I'd see you at the same time:-) And laziness feeds the creative soul. I understand that very very well.
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