Is google getting screwy?
What is this with Blogger lately? I can't comment at all on some blogs. On others, I can only cheat in by going as anonymous. Still others, - no problem whatsoever. Is anyone else sufffering with this?
“I never seem to have what I need when I need it. I’m going to make a belt-bag that’s bigger on the inside than on the outside, and just carry everything with me.”
At 8:45 PM ,
Heide said...
Yes, but I'm only having trouble commenting on blogspot addresses
At 9:27 PM ,
Lisa Nowak said...
Dunno. I can comment here. But I've always hated Blogger and the only Google product I like is the search engine.
At 9:32 PM ,
sophanne said...
I am not. But I think I'm still on "old blogger" if there is such a thing.
At 10:52 PM ,
Rose L said...
I have had that problem with others besides blogger. Not sure what is the cause. I, too, have had to sign in as anonymous so I just write my name in the post.
At 4:04 AM ,
LA said...
Blogger seems to have those days!!! I heard from a friend yesterday that said that she tried 3 times to comment on a blog, and Blogger would never let her do it.
At 4:45 AM ,
Donna Lee said...
Yep. I have trouble with some and when I try to tell them I'm not anonymous, they keep posting me as such. Maybe opening their new social network has overtaxed the great god google.
At 6:46 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
I don't know, I'm not having any problems.
At 4:26 PM ,
Anonymous said...
*ahem*.....pleather, blueberry, bandana.
Proceed! :)
(glad your wrist is feeling better. Youch!)
At 10:03 AM ,
Tim Young said...
I always have problems. Only about half of my comments make it through
At 10:41 AM ,
mplanck said...
I often have to sign in as anonymous as well and like Rose, write my name in the comment. So in case that happens again, this is Alice Lynn. :-)
At 9:26 PM ,
Arlee Bird said...
I was having some problems a few days ago, but it's been okay of late-- again.
Tossing It Out
At 1:20 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
YES! I have two e-mail accounts and SOMETIMES I can't sign in to blogger in one account, and I have to log out and log back in... puts a crimp in my blogging, lemme tellya!
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