bridge walk
On unday, Dh and I were two of the 13thousand bicyclists and pedestrians who took part in the annual Providence Bridge Pedal. Some of the city's ten bridges are shut down temporarily, or a few lanes are blocked off, or bicyclists are restricted to established bike paths, but a strong and dedicated cyclist can cross all the bridges in one morning if he or she so desires. We saw the ten bridge wave getting started. Not more then four ounces of fat between the whole 2 thousand of them. Calves tanned, with muscles standing up in knots and ridges. Many parents towing kids in small trailers or on those cute little tandem-for-tots bikes. There were hand-pedaled bikes, recumbent bikes, any number of trikes, and these bizzare eliptical trainers on wheels where you stand up and run sort of. And one unicycle. On the shortest ride, the 6 bridge ride, there were swarms of little kids on their bikes and what madness that must have been, trying to wrangle a passle of young'uns for six miles, up and down over all those bridges!
DH and I walked. I'm no good on a bike. I like to look around me and I keep steering into trouble.
But to walk, you need the proper shoes. Like these.
Or these breezy trekker sandals (Though they would wear holes in my feet in no time.)
Or these . . . ah, wait a minute.
This nice lady was quite happy to take the five mile hike in her strudy sandals. Good for her!!
There were a lot of us packed into a rather small area by 7:30 in the morning. The event was wonderfully well organized, and our path was marked the full five miles with purple arrows. No one stood the slightest chance of getting lost. DH and I were just happy lemmings and went with the flow.
There is something rebellious in me that delights in walking where usually cars hold sway. A section of freeway shut down entirely fr a few hours to let bicycles and feet rule.
And this is the bridge I wanted to walk across. Ever since it was built, I have wanted to walk across it. If you look closely, you can see the swarms of speedier walkers ascending to the crest.
This walk was rather hard for DH because there is a certain touch of race horse in him, and being passed is not his favorite thing. But he is married to a fat old woman who will not speed walk.
Slow and steady does it!! (Omigawd I'm getting fat! Back to Weight Watchers for me!)
Portland really is such a beautiful city.
I took scads of photos (while more people passed us. Poor DH) There were booths handing out free energy bars and bottles of water. And, since the bikes were coming along shortly, there was a mobile bike mechanic set up to help with repairs. And a first aid station of course.
There weree taiko drummers at the crest to encourage us. They were wonderful, and I felt encouraged!
The crowd thinned out on the down hill leg. Then we wandered through some interesting sections of the city I have never visited. There are gentrified little residential pockets tucked into the unlikeliest corners! I would have said the area was pure industrial, and I would have been so wrong! Finally, we found our way to the Broadway bridge.
The fair Willamette river and the just-crossed Fremont Bridge. I'm so proud of myself!!
I made the whole trip without blisters or shin splints, - but I forgot that some talcum in the crevices would have helped things along mightily. A little butt-dusting as it were. What an area to develop hot spots.
I went to bed early. I know, there are any number of you who could have run five miles before breakfast, but I am pleased as punch that I was able to walk it, and yay for me! (DH was good for another two or three hours of 3.5 mph, but I was worn OUT.) Soooo, what's next?
DH and I walked. I'm no good on a bike. I like to look around me and I keep steering into trouble.
But to walk, you need the proper shoes. Like these.
Or these breezy trekker sandals (Though they would wear holes in my feet in no time.)
Or these . . . ah, wait a minute.
This nice lady was quite happy to take the five mile hike in her strudy sandals. Good for her!!
There were a lot of us packed into a rather small area by 7:30 in the morning. The event was wonderfully well organized, and our path was marked the full five miles with purple arrows. No one stood the slightest chance of getting lost. DH and I were just happy lemmings and went with the flow.
There is something rebellious in me that delights in walking where usually cars hold sway. A section of freeway shut down entirely fr a few hours to let bicycles and feet rule.
And this is the bridge I wanted to walk across. Ever since it was built, I have wanted to walk across it. If you look closely, you can see the swarms of speedier walkers ascending to the crest.
This walk was rather hard for DH because there is a certain touch of race horse in him, and being passed is not his favorite thing. But he is married to a fat old woman who will not speed walk.
Slow and steady does it!! (Omigawd I'm getting fat! Back to Weight Watchers for me!)
Portland really is such a beautiful city.
There weree taiko drummers at the crest to encourage us. They were wonderful, and I felt encouraged!
The crowd thinned out on the down hill leg. Then we wandered through some interesting sections of the city I have never visited. There are gentrified little residential pockets tucked into the unlikeliest corners! I would have said the area was pure industrial, and I would have been so wrong! Finally, we found our way to the Broadway bridge.
The fair Willamette river and the just-crossed Fremont Bridge. I'm so proud of myself!!
I made the whole trip without blisters or shin splints, - but I forgot that some talcum in the crevices would have helped things along mightily. A little butt-dusting as it were. What an area to develop hot spots.
I went to bed early. I know, there are any number of you who could have run five miles before breakfast, but I am pleased as punch that I was able to walk it, and yay for me! (DH was good for another two or three hours of 3.5 mph, but I was worn OUT.) Soooo, what's next?
At 1:03 PM ,
Heide said...
How fun to walk the bridges! That big one in particular always makes my palms sweat and my feet tingle to drive over (fear of an earthquake or losing control of the steering wheel). You are NOT fat! People were not meant to spend their lives as slender little reeds, except maybe during pre-adolescence, and my guess is that you enjoyed most of your adult life too being the envy of us short, squatty types. Now you just look like the rest of us folks.Your DH was probably just as tired as you, whether he'd admit to it or not. Cheers and Happy Monday!
At 3:02 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Way to go! That sounds like so much fun.
At 4:47 AM ,
Donna Lee said...
One of the bridges across the Ben Franklin closes for a few hours each year so the MS bikeathon can cross en masse.
They also closed on their birthday one year and had lots of photos of old time bridge crossers. There IS something about walking where cars usually go, isn't there? It feels so novel even though we drive there most days.
You are headed back to WW and I am heading back to the gym today after several months of nonattendance. My body will not thank me today but in the future, it will sing.
At 9:26 AM ,
Arlee Bird said...
Sounds like a fine time. My wife and I have been walking about 3 miles most mornings. I love to walk.
My brother used to ride a unicycle. Try as I might, I could never learn to ride the darn thing.
Tossing It Out
At 5:21 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Grilltech walked across one of those bridges when it opened 20 (or was it 30) years ago.
At 11:43 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Oh lovely, and good for you! I would have been a whiney mess by the first mile-- Just ask Mate, who had to put up with me in Vancouver. What a wonderful time--you look so triumphant!
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