There were these big black things on the ground
I think the big black things are called shadoos or something. It's been so long since I've seen anythiing like them. the sky wasn't any shade of white or gray at all - it was blue! Blue! Honest - I wouldn't lie to you. The sky overhead was blue. and this bright white light was shining down, making all the colors so vivid and pretty! The flowers
almost seem to glow! Furthermore, that big light made things warmer, too! I was out without a coat. In my shirtsleeves, just like people in cruise commercials.
The trees obviously like this white light. You could almost hear the leaf buds popping open. The neighbort's birch tree has leaves the size of a mouse's ear. And our magnolia tree is doing its usual lacivious, tumnescent display of sensually swelling buds.
People are out in droves with dogs and strollers; and the song of the lawnmower is heard in the land. Teens are overwhelmed with surging hormones, office workers are drawn to snatch a sandwich outside, the postman is having a picnic in the park, andbicycles are having their tires re-inflated.
This is an all too brief interlude. The rain will return in a few hours. But Oh my God we will make the most of the sun while we can. This is the first day since November when the temp is over 60. In March, it rained 30 out of 31 days, and the one dry day was damn cloudy.
Bear in mind, all this warmth and glory occurred on April first. This few hours is not a harbinger of spring. It is merely Mother Nature's notion of an April Fool's prank. We are now back to 50 degrees and rain, but we can face it with hope. The sun DOES exist. The sky IS blue, and those big black shadoo things on the ground are perfectly normal.
The trees obviously like this white light. You could almost hear the leaf buds popping open. The neighbort's birch tree has leaves the size of a mouse's ear. And our magnolia tree is doing its usual lacivious, tumnescent display of sensually swelling buds.
People are out in droves with dogs and strollers; and the song of the lawnmower is heard in the land. Teens are overwhelmed with surging hormones, office workers are drawn to snatch a sandwich outside, the postman is having a picnic in the park, andbicycles are having their tires re-inflated.
This is an all too brief interlude. The rain will return in a few hours. But Oh my God we will make the most of the sun while we can. This is the first day since November when the temp is over 60. In March, it rained 30 out of 31 days, and the one dry day was damn cloudy.
Bear in mind, all this warmth and glory occurred on April first. This few hours is not a harbinger of spring. It is merely Mother Nature's notion of an April Fool's prank. We are now back to 50 degrees and rain, but we can face it with hope. The sun DOES exist. The sky IS blue, and those big black shadoo things on the ground are perfectly normal.
At 8:52 AM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
we've had nearly a week of sunshine up here ... I'm glad that it dried most of the lawn up so that Kyle & I can get to raking it to make light & air for new growth!!
At 9:01 AM ,
Lisa Nowak said...
Surely the world must be coming to an end.
At 9:56 AM ,
LA said...
Rejoice! The sun returns!
At 3:00 PM ,
Willow said...
After two days of 80-90 degree weather here, today it is not even 60 and threatening rain. Are you trying to share?
Repeat after me: summer will come, summer will come...
At 6:52 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
I've heard of the Daystar, but haven't seen it in a while.
At 1:43 PM ,
Benita said...
So that is the problem... I thought I was living in Indiana and found out I somehow got transported to Oregon. Rain, rain go away...
At 11:33 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Wow-- sun, in Oregon? Really? I mean, we got a little here this week, but I understand we're to be punished immediately.
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