coat photo
I got a look at the place where the launch party will be held and came home with my mental engine just racing. Now I know what colors will be good, which serving pieces I need to bring, how we can arrange the food and punchbowls, . . . oh, I'm much happier. I do like to plan ahead!
At 7:47 PM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
MMmmmm .... Starbucks!!!
At 10:23 PM ,
Rose L said...
You're stylin' girl!!
At 11:23 PM ,
Lisa Nowak said...
You look so stately. Good luck tomorrow.
At 11:39 PM ,
Tim Young said...
Like the coat a lot. Hats nice too, it has that military look to it.
Good luck with that party.
At 6:30 PM ,
Donna Lee said...
the coat suits you to a T. I'm getting ready to set up all those appts too. It's mammogram/gyn/dentist/eye doctor time. I tend to do them all in the spring.
The launch party sounds like it'll be great. Do you think Sanna will be released as an audio book as well as an ebook? That would be superb.
At 9:52 AM ,
Benita said...
That is a dashing coat! I'll bet it is warm, too. I like the length on it - it makes you look tall. :)
I pulled out all the yarn that will be going into my coat fabric and I can hardly wait for the pattern to arrive so I can begin the mockup.
At 2:31 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
You do look dashing... I think the next time we go to a Ren Faire, I'm going to get a hooded cloak. I've always wanted one!
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