cat assist
Every author needs assistants to help her stay motivated, on target and excited about her work. Every knitter needs supervisors alert to any possible slipped stitch or error. Of course every cook needs a vigilant mouser to keep the pantry vermin-free. I, evidently am neither author, knitter nor cook since my assistants are thickly furred lumps of profound indolence. These cats are olympic-class nappers. Do you suppose they need little bitty c-pap machines to help them with their sleep catnia? Good luck getting thm to wear the mask!
At 5:08 PM ,
LA said...
You forgot to mention what great paper weights they are (or fabric holders when you are fringe twisting!) It's a good thing they don't get paid by the hour.
At 5:59 PM ,
Dave Daniels said...
I love both you cat collection as well as the basket collection.
At 7:13 PM ,
sophanne said...
thickly furred lumps of profound indolence....
Oh your words, your words, would that those kitties could know them. I'm sure they would have a grand appreciation for your descriptions.!
At 4:37 AM ,
Janette said...
What a fabulous life your kitties have!
Love the photos.
At 6:47 AM ,
Heide said...
What wonderful helpers you have! The last picture is beautiful! I love your baskets all neatly lined up. I just want to pet Ben until his fur errupts and crackles with static, then, when he's distracted, pull out all of the baskets and peek inside of them.
At 9:59 AM ,
Lyssa said...
Mine have a new favorite napping spot in the greenhouse window. I was going to grow plants there, but will happily devote one shelf to snoozing kitties.
At 7:42 PM ,
Rose L said...
My cat, Kala, tells me she is getting beauty sleep. She is adorable! I find it amusing that she can be sound asleep and, if I touch her even the slightest, she begins to purr. I miss my cat, Patches, as she was my sleeping pal.
At 10:14 PM ,
Lisa Nowak said...
Keelan follows me from the chair to the floor and back again when I switch editing positions. I love it when he drapes himself across my legs.
At 5:51 AM ,
Benita said...
I love that picture with that leg stuck out. Neil used to claim the indigo dyed sheepskin on top of the cedar chest as his spot. The morning sun would come in there and he could be found lying on his back charging his solar cells most mornings.
At 6:08 PM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Very cute supervisors.
At 3:56 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
Those are some of the most contented, charming crapweasels I've ever seen... you are a good cat mom, and they are obviously helping your house run smoothly.
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