Sanna's Bag

“I never seem to have what I need when I need it. I’m going to make a belt-bag that’s bigger on the inside than on the outside, and just carry everything with me.”

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Yesterday was one of those fully overcast days when you don't actually throw a shadow.  I finally figured out that it's because the light is diffused and reflected through the clouds untill it seems to come from every direction except straight up.  It bounces off all those water droplets hanging in the air, refracting and twisting around untill a photographer is ready to weep for joy. 

And what am I doing on such an illuminating day?  Taking my regularly scheduled yoga class and meditating on enlightenment?  No. Getting my eyes checked.  Yep, there they are.  Two.  Somewhat symmetrically placed.  Aging gracefully.  I still don't need perscription lenses, just the grocery store magnifiers for reading.  Afterwards, I gave myself a treat and met LG for lunch, then hit the Button Emporium to use up a birthday gift certificate.  Squeee!  there's one millefiori button in dark red and black the won't show up well  on film but has two fishes swimming in a yinyang shape.  And here are some of the others:
The dragonflies on glass just had to come live with me.  They speak of hot summer days and creative indolence.  And the fishie - how could I leave such a charming little fishie?  It's made millifiori style as well, and it boggles my mind to hink how one would construct a rod of clay in such a way as to get a fish in every slice.  Humans are awesomely inventive creatures!
Got any buttons you love?


  • At 1:27 PM , Blogger sophanne said...

    Which is better a or b?

    How about now?

    And now?

    Wait, let me see that one again...

    I feel like I was there with you.

  • At 2:56 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    I don't have any special ones, I just collect them. They don't take up much space ...

  • At 4:13 PM , Blogger Heide said...

    I have a button bin, but it doesn't hold anything as intricate or unique as these. What are you going to make to show off your new buttons?

  • At 6:10 PM , Blogger Saren Johnson said...

    Very nice! Don't show Perky those dragon flies, she loves them!

  • At 3:54 AM , Blogger Amy Lane said...

    Yes-- I do have some buttons I adore--but I'm also flirting with yours... shhh... we're making googly eyes at each other...

  • At 7:54 AM , Blogger Tim Young said...

    I love your buttons. I do have some buttons I want to paint. That's why I was looking for cat whiskers.

  • At 9:51 PM , Blogger Rose L said...

    I have seen so many pretty buttons in my life. I have one old one I got from my grandma years ago and use it on a blouse! It has a rose on it!!

  • At 10:11 PM , Blogger Bobbie Wallace said...

    Oh, I'd have scooped up those dragonfly buttons, too! I have lots of old ones from the 40s to the 70s; a great aunt was a sample maker for Leslie Fay in St. Louis and I got her button stash when she passed. And lots of hedgie ones. But my favorite special ones are a dozen brass ones from my great-grandfather's uniform jacket; he was a railroad conductor and they have the Frisco railroad shield on them.


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