Will the leopard change his shorts?
DH and I have been married for 16 years, and dated for 5 years before that. And never, in all that time, has he shown interest in a barbecue grill. But he got a quarterly bonus check, and we spent all day yesterday looking at steel and canvas gazebos, and propane grills, and patio furniture. To our immense dismay, we thought we were going to have to go with a Martha Stewart table and chairs, but then we founf something we liked even better at Sears for less money. Now we need to wander around the yard and decide where, exactly, the gazebo goes. It's rather like siteing an outhouse. You don't want it too close to the house, nor do you want it too far away. I think I will request a paved path from the kitchen as well. Already, I am planning knitting soirees under the trees.
Time will tell. Will DH actually venture out into the yard for summer pleasure and leisure, or will the attractions of the air-conditioning prove too strong?
The theme for this month's knittinng is "Violets." I'm looking for candied violets to put on the strawberry cupcakes. There are violets blooming in the yard and will be on the table for decor. I even have several pieces of china with violets on them. Already we will be 12 strong. That's the tipping point. We can squeeze 12 people around the table. Any more, and we need to seat in the living room as well. I am thinking lavender shortbread and chocolate chip cookies, clementines, and some sort of salmon spread on Rye for the savories. Openface, with basil and perhaps a bit of tomato for garnish. Anyone got any suggestions for salmon spread?
By the way, my beloved copy editor, Pat Lichen, has started a blog, and her first post is about possum penises. http://www.patriciaklichen.com/
What more can I say? You gotta read it all!
Time will tell. Will DH actually venture out into the yard for summer pleasure and leisure, or will the attractions of the air-conditioning prove too strong?
The theme for this month's knittinng is "Violets." I'm looking for candied violets to put on the strawberry cupcakes. There are violets blooming in the yard and will be on the table for decor. I even have several pieces of china with violets on them. Already we will be 12 strong. That's the tipping point. We can squeeze 12 people around the table. Any more, and we need to seat in the living room as well. I am thinking lavender shortbread and chocolate chip cookies, clementines, and some sort of salmon spread on Rye for the savories. Openface, with basil and perhaps a bit of tomato for garnish. Anyone got any suggestions for salmon spread?
By the way, my beloved copy editor, Pat Lichen, has started a blog, and her first post is about possum penises. http://www.patriciaklichen.com/
What more can I say? You gotta read it all!
At 7:32 AM ,
LA said...
I just love wild violets!!! They are just one of my favorites! You'll have to keep us up to date on the gazebo adventure.
At 11:55 AM ,
Lisa Nowak said...
I'm going to suggest a crushed gravel path instead of concrete. Not that big stuff, but the tiny little quarter minus that compacts so well. Not a straight path either, but one that has a nice curve to it, so it's attractive as well as functional.
At 5:40 PM ,
Donna Lee said...
I'm sorry I missed your birthday post! I had a computer hiatus (too much computing at work = less desire to turn it on at home!)
What a perfect gift. We have been eyeing the grinder attachment, Pk wants to make sausage but I think we'll have to replace the nearly 30 yr old base first. It's given good service but is starting to break down.
Kinda like the rest of us.....
Anyway, I'm glad you birthday was a good one and I wish you a year of only good surprises!
At 6:15 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
*snicker* You had me at possum penises! And it sounds lovely-- I know someone out in your neck of the woods who has set up his computer so he can spend every available moment of summer outside:-)
At 7:41 PM ,
Rose L said...
Ever try lavender lemonade?? I used to drink it at a little shop that has since losed. It is scrumdiddlyumptuous!!!!
At 8:48 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
When is the party? We'll be in town starting on the 24th to the 28th.
At 11:12 AM ,
Tina Birch said...
You cracked me up comparing gazebo placement to outhouse placement. Hope you thoroughly enjoy your new outdoor living area!
At 6:03 PM ,
Alwen said...
I just read Unseen Academicals, so your title made me laugh first thing!
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