post #1329
I made bread! And it tastes like bread and it slices like bread and - and - and I am soooo proud! DH is making sandwiches with my home-made bread and taking them to work. Oh, success!
The roomba is a great success so far. I just have to remember not to pile so much crap on the floor. If I leave my boots in the middle of the living room, it spends a lot of time nudging them and wondering if it should try to climb over them or just shove them around.
Here is a shot of the back of the sofa, where the Roomba can not reach. That is Ben's tail. He is hiding just as hard as he can from that hideous cat-eating monster.
The roomba is a great success so far. I just have to remember not to pile so much crap on the floor. If I leave my boots in the middle of the living room, it spends a lot of time nudging them and wondering if it should try to climb over them or just shove them around.
Here is a shot of the back of the sofa, where the Roomba can not reach. That is Ben's tail. He is hiding just as hard as he can from that hideous cat-eating monster.
At 1:45 PM ,
Lisa Nowak said...
Poor Ben!
At 2:24 PM ,
LA said...
I was wondering what the cats thought of the roomba! Love the "tail shot"!!!!!!
At 3:54 PM ,
Alwen said...
Oh, look, it's real bread!
Go you!
(And my word verification for this comment is: "coment". Ha!)
At 9:43 PM ,
Tina Birch said...
Congratulations on the bread - it looks beautiful. And, I love the cat tail picture.
At 9:57 PM ,
Galad said...
I too was wondering how the cats were going to like the Roomba :-)
At 6:45 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Now I'm thinking, I want roomba. Not that I clean much...
At 8:32 AM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
MMmmmm ... bready bread!!!
Maybe once Ben gets used to the Roomba it will be a fun little toy to chase around!
At 11:34 AM ,
Benita said...
There is nothing like the smell of home made bread. Mmmm......
At 7:33 AM ,
fun88indo said...
bagus bos artikelnya dan sangat menarik
At 7:37 AM ,
prediksitogelwap said...
makasih gan buat infonya dan salam sukses
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