Happy to meee!
Today is my 65th birthday, and this is what i saw on the table when I headed for the kitchen to feed the cats. Flowers! Presents! Ribbons! Pretty!
The round pink box contains Sees peppermint patties because they were all out of my favorite coconut bonbons. He loves me so much he even knows my second favorite candy,
The square box contains the grinder attachment for the Kitchen Aid mixer. Rum balls are gonna be ever so much easier this year without needing to spend an hour hand-cranking the vanilla wafers through the old meat-grinder. I am sorely tempted to make a sample batch just to see how it works. And the knitting teas will have a lot more finely mixed sandwich spreads. How very cool!
After breakfast, Pepper offered me the exquisite opportunity to rub her belly. Is this a great birthday gift or what? Who could resist that fluffy tummy?
Soon I will be joining a friend for breakfast. I have bread rising in the microwave. (hey, after I made my tea, it was warm in there, and I know it was draft free. It's not running, just being a a warm place.) After breakfast,, I am going to treat myself to a huge splurge. I'm going to buy a new mascara!
Heide, the enchanting, adorable, generous sprite that she is, sent me a gift certificate from Dave Daniels Cabin Cove yarn store, and I bought his prettiest colors.
Earlier this week, LG took me out for lunch at a little deli near her job. We sat in the window and laughed and feasted, sang happy birthday to me, and had, as always, a marvelous time. Then the owner came out with a plate of sweets and delicacies on the house, and wished me happy birthday! I felt like the blubird of happiness had built a nest in my hair!
Blogger and facebook has been full of good wishes, and the e-mails have made my heart hop up and down with joy. I do SO enjoy my birthdays!
Tonight, Dinner with friends - Igor's birthday is Mar 3, ten years before mine. Us pisces are such marvelous people!!
My birthday wish for you: May you find happy surprises all around you, and may smiles light your way.
Edited later to add - What was I thinking? I'm only 61. Just a sprat - a whippersnapper - a callow girl.
The round pink box contains Sees peppermint patties because they were all out of my favorite coconut bonbons. He loves me so much he even knows my second favorite candy,
The square box contains the grinder attachment for the Kitchen Aid mixer. Rum balls are gonna be ever so much easier this year without needing to spend an hour hand-cranking the vanilla wafers through the old meat-grinder. I am sorely tempted to make a sample batch just to see how it works. And the knitting teas will have a lot more finely mixed sandwich spreads. How very cool!
After breakfast, Pepper offered me the exquisite opportunity to rub her belly. Is this a great birthday gift or what? Who could resist that fluffy tummy?
Soon I will be joining a friend for breakfast. I have bread rising in the microwave. (hey, after I made my tea, it was warm in there, and I know it was draft free. It's not running, just being a a warm place.) After breakfast,, I am going to treat myself to a huge splurge. I'm going to buy a new mascara!
Heide, the enchanting, adorable, generous sprite that she is, sent me a gift certificate from Dave Daniels Cabin Cove yarn store, and I bought his prettiest colors.
Earlier this week, LG took me out for lunch at a little deli near her job. We sat in the window and laughed and feasted, sang happy birthday to me, and had, as always, a marvelous time. Then the owner came out with a plate of sweets and delicacies on the house, and wished me happy birthday! I felt like the blubird of happiness had built a nest in my hair!
Blogger and facebook has been full of good wishes, and the e-mails have made my heart hop up and down with joy. I do SO enjoy my birthdays!
Tonight, Dinner with friends - Igor's birthday is Mar 3, ten years before mine. Us pisces are such marvelous people!!
My birthday wish for you: May you find happy surprises all around you, and may smiles light your way.
Edited later to add - What was I thinking? I'm only 61. Just a sprat - a whippersnapper - a callow girl.
At 8:53 AM ,
Lisa Nowak said...
Happy birthday. I hope you enjoy every minute of it.
At 9:10 AM ,
LA said...
Happy Birthday, Roxie!!! It sounds like you are having a marvelous day!
At 9:11 AM ,
tlbw said...
65? I think you are writing this too early in the morning. I am older than you, or I always believed I was...
At 9:51 AM ,
Dave Daniels said...
I hope you're still having fun since it's so early in the day. This should be your birthday MONTH!
At 10:50 AM ,
LindaG said...
You're NOT 65! You're younger than I am, aren't you????
(But keep on having a HAPPY DAY)
At 1:23 PM ,
Willow said...
LOL. I was wondering...we are the same age, same month, and I checked my driver's license and I'm going to be 61 in a couple of weeks :)
At 1:47 PM ,
tlbw said...
Aha - 61, That's more like it. You need those for years.
Happy Birthday,dear friend.
At 2:05 PM ,
Anonymous said...
My mother manages to make her birthday last from mid-April to half past June (it's in May) - you could totally do that too.
Happy Happy Birthday - no matter how old you are. Besides, we know you are 12.
At 2:27 PM ,
JulieLoves2Knit said...
I thought 65 was a little much...but we're fast approaching that!
Happy Happy Day!
At 3:00 PM ,
Sheeprustler said...
I've very glad it was such a lovely day :)
At 5:35 PM ,
Paul said...
Happy Birthday, Gorgeous!!!
At 6:13 PM ,
Susan L-S said...
You're only a year ahead of me in school. You went to L&C after Jenny did. Either a) you were held back a whole lot or b) you don't know how old you are or c) you want to be 65 so you can get Medicare. Happy B'day anyway. But I think you're 60 this year, not 65. Or maybe 61.
At 6:23 PM ,
sophanne said...
I like to pretend you're the same age as me so many happy returns of the 45th birthday!
At 9:22 PM ,
Janette said...
oh happy bday roxie! wishing you all the happiness in the world. xx
At 9:28 PM ,
Heide said...
Your shell may be 60 something, but it looks decades younger and your soul is still about 22. I hope you have the bestest of years. Happy birthday!
At 10:12 PM ,
Tina Birch said...
Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a marvelous day (and more) surrounded by wonderful friends and family.
At 10:46 PM ,
Barb said...
Oh yea!! I'm not too late to wish you many more. But of course, I believe that a BIRTH of someone as special as you should be acknowledged every DAY. Many and happy, and the blessings are really on all of us who know you.
At 10:20 AM ,
Rose L said...
LOL Most women would not make the mistake of their ages except to go younger!
I have always thought that if I lied and said I was 70 or so, people would then respond, "You look so great for your age!"
I will be 59 this year and dreading it.
At 11:53 PM ,
Rose Red said...
Happy Birthday! Sorry I'm a day or two late! Sounds like you had a lovely day! I'm not entirely sure my husband would know what my favourite chocolates were, let alone my second favourite! Very good husband you have there.
At 6:18 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Happy Birthday-- even belated! I'm so happy to know you, you whippersnapper--practically a fetus! And your DH DOES know how to treat you right!
At 8:49 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Happy (belated) Birthday! It looks like you had a good day.
At 11:04 AM ,
Benita said...
Happy Birthday - however young you are!
At 6:02 PM ,
Alwen said...
I'm just now catching up with my Google Reader, down to only 48 more posts to read!
So happy belated birthday, which my DH shares with you!
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