How the mighty are fallen
Here is the little maple, which in reality was a sweet gum. A guy DH works with will be by to pick up the wood for his fireplace, but he'd better hurry, because two people have already offered to clear it away for us.
The rot was pretty well established, and it would have taken down power and cable lines to two houses when it went down. We'll give the yard a summer of full sun, then look into some birches.
Meanwhile, the birthday celebration continues. Heide, the darling, gave me a gift dertificate for Dave Daniels Cabin Cove shop, and I picked out three gorgeous skeins of yarn. Dave, being the lad that he is, included three more for his birthday present to me.
At 8:52 AM ,
Dave said...
Ha ha ha ha ha, I'm so glad they arrived! I knew you'd enjoy them all.
At 8:56 AM ,
Lisa Nowak said...
Those sweetgums are known for having soft wood. Poor thing. I hope you get a nice birch.
At 1:57 PM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
An ounce of prevention ...
Beautiful yarn!! I have some lovely blue yarn that I bought from Dave aeons ago ... I'll have to drag it out one of these days & let it tell me what it wants to be.
At 7:50 PM ,
Rose L said...
I did not realize that yarn had such sensual names! Satyr's dance, Forest climax and Orgasm#9 (wonder what 10-8 look like! wink wink!)
I would feel rather sexy wearing those yarns!!!!
At 8:12 PM ,
Galad said...
Goodbye little tree. Glad to know you will still be useful warming someone's home.
Beautiful yarn - yummy
At 5:38 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Very nice haul...
At 11:06 AM ,
Benita said...
Oh, what a lovely birthday gift! And Dave was such a sweetie to include his own to you. Yours from me is going out in next Monday's mail. I'm still gathering.
At 7:18 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
*gasp* dave has such lovely stuff-- I still have my gift certificate-- I just need to make a decision!
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