My little assistants have been very industrious and assiduous in their self-assigned duties. No viscious bit of fabric goes un-abused. No trailing streamer is left un-snagged, and anything moving through the machine must be closely watched in case it should try to attack. The way the table vibrates under the machine is an added bonus as it gives an intermittant foot massage.

Here we can see them recharging after burrowing under piles of fabric, knocking boxes of pins across the room, hiding empty bobbins, and attempting to swallow tangles of thread. Every sewer needs a good fabric weight or two, right?

The title for this picture is, "we R helps U blog." Cat-wrassling across the keyboard produces some interesting effects. If my comments seem unusually incoherent, I blame the fur-balls.
The quilt is half done. Then the loom comes out. Blogumentary time. Then I really have to gird my loins and start selling the Western Romance. It was so much fun to write. Now comes the hard part. Ghu I hate selling!
At 8:57 AM ,
margene said...
Good luck with the book. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we humans could curl up and sleep as sweetly as a cat?
At 9:30 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Awww... It must be nice to have so much help... Hehehehe... They really are precious.
At 11:37 AM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
I just love Ben - curled up in his tiny 'ittle sleeping ball!
At 12:23 PM ,
Anonymous said...
They are both so cute. And, yes, you need their help.
I'll have a package to you over the weekend. :) Then you can play til your heart's content. Or, until the kitties get into it. This should be VERY interesting.
At 3:33 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Oh man, so cute - and the title is perfect! (I womanfully refrained from the obvious, but it was hard.) Congrats on progress, hindered or not. ;) And hey, I think you finally found the right background for shots of Pepper...
At 9:58 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Okay--you and the babies are having way too much fun...I'm amazed at your patience--until I see the total cuteness that surrounds all the chaos.
I'm so excited for your new book...I'm going to be the first one to order it when it's out!!
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