It's a picnic!
On 7/7/07, we attended a marvelous picnic at a friend's house. She had chairs set up around a wading pool. and it was glorious to sit and paddle the bare feet in that lovely cool water! There were some water guns floating in the pool, and I was hoping any little kids attending could be adequately controlled. As it turns out, there were NO little kids. The water guns were to discourage squirrels from devouring the entire crop of filberts. Every time Jan saw a squirrel, she would grab a gun and start soaking the rodent. anyone who wanted was free to join in, and many did. The squirrels cursed us with filthy squirrel curses, and eventually moved on to dryer trees. And then there were all those
water guns sitting around with nothing to do . . .
Then came the wading pool wrestling. I must be getting old. I just stood back and took pictures. It was a splendid party, though for some reason, about twenty people didn't show, so there was food up the wazoo! I feasted! It was when I was drizzling the fudge sauce on the brownie that I remembered that I was on a diet. By then, though, after the smoked salmon and themarinated artichoke hearts and the salami and the sausage tortelini salad, and. . . well, what's a little fudge sauce among friends?
Several of you urban outfitters have asked about bark dust. Here's a picture of it. We put it down over a barrier of some kind to thwart the weeds in the garden. It's a labor-saving thing. Even if weeds do take root in the barkdust, they have shallow roots and are easy to snatch out.
And how are the resident cats getting along with the babies? Jack and Candy mostly ignore them. (Doesn't Ben look innocent here? and Jack is ignoring him as hard as he can!) Fly will smack Ben or Pepper if they get too close to him, but other than that, he leaves them alone.

I had forgotten that baby kitties don't walk. They scamper, skitter, prance, pounce, leap, vault, gallop, lollop, bolt, dash, and bound. Then they fall over and sleep like they have been shot! Ben finds his tail to be the most entrancing toy in the world, but then, everything in the world is a toy! Pepper is developing a habit of climbing up the clothes to perch on my shoulder. This will have to come to a screeching halt. Baby cat claws don't pierce the jeans. Grown cat claws do. Also, she loves to walk across the keyboard while I'm typing. Ben is too small to jump up here yet. He's kind of timid, but then, he's so little!
And how are the resident cats getting along with the babies? Jack and Candy mostly ignore them. (Doesn't Ben look innocent here? and Jack is ignoring him as hard as he can!) Fly will smack Ben or Pepper if they get too close to him, but other than that, he leaves them alone.
I had forgotten that baby kitties don't walk. They scamper, skitter, prance, pounce, leap, vault, gallop, lollop, bolt, dash, and bound. Then they fall over and sleep like they have been shot! Ben finds his tail to be the most entrancing toy in the world, but then, everything in the world is a toy! Pepper is developing a habit of climbing up the clothes to perch on my shoulder. This will have to come to a screeching halt. Baby cat claws don't pierce the jeans. Grown cat claws do. Also, she loves to walk across the keyboard while I'm typing. Ben is too small to jump up here yet. He's kind of timid, but then, he's so little!
At 11:31 AM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
Oh - up here we call it "mulching". There are a variety of mulches with varying amounts of compost and/or bark in them. I totally mulch - saves on watering!
At 12:40 PM ,
Pat K said...
Big Cat and Little Cat were wondering how the new kids were doing. Looks like everyone had a grand time cooling off.
At 3:32 PM ,
Anonymous said...
That last photo, with Little Ben is SO cute! I miss kittens. He looks like he's having such fun. Thanks for the photo, it gave me a big smile on my first day back at work.
At 4:54 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Dontcha just love parties where the grownups are the ones out of control? I know you do! Hehehehe...
The new babies are adorable!
At 6:08 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
"Then they fall over and sleep like they have been shot." That's hilarious--btw? Little kids do that too...
At 8:10 PM ,
Lyssa said...
OOh! I need more kittens!
At 10:02 PM ,
Anonymous said...
ROFL on the water guns - sounds like quite a picnic!
Ben look so adorable. What a teeny cutie! Obviously you're a very good catmom, with Pepper already on the keyboard and the climbing. Good luck with discouraging the latter. Jack is looking very, very dignified. Heh. Ahh, the sound of little paddy-paws galloping... It's amazing how much noise cats can make!
At 4:46 AM ,
Denise said...
The wading pool picnic with water guns sounds like damn good crazy times - why should kids get all the fun, anyway? And fudge sauce should never be missed, don't worry, we won't tell on you ;)
Tiny Ben is just utterly cute personified. I think he's trying to look innocent.. so what's he been up to? :D
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