hunting the little red bug
Like this, see Ben? You have to grab it really fast like - damn!
I've started another quilt top. Again, it is random and rapid. There is something so astoundingly satisfying about putting together left-over scraps in no particular order and watching it create beauty and excitement. And, it's a constant learning process. I am listening to some books on tape (Thrones, Dominions by Dorothy Sayers ) and with that to keep my left brain entertained, my right brain just plays and plays! I'll press a strip of piecing, then sit and stroke it for a few minutes, admiring the surprises where fabrics I would never have juxtaposed intentionally turn out to be splendid when randomed together. It's like working a sock with a new varigated yarn. Will it stripe or pool? Will the purple fall next to the blue, or the pink? And what will happen when I get to the heel? Really, it's a party for me. Real quilters need not be disgusted. I know this isn't really quilting. It's just fingerpainting with fabric. And then you wind up with a thermal layer when you're done. fun, fun, fun!
At 6:48 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Oh yes, the red dot. We have two that will chase and chase. While the other two realize, they'll never be able to catch it, why bother.
At 8:37 AM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
Cheeky Monkey loved it and so does Mischief!! The vet even recommended it as a great form of exercise. After about 10 minutes Mischief can't even summon up the energy to paw at the light anymore.
At 9:13 AM ,
Lucia said...
Callie does that with moths. She's surprisingly good at catching them. Then she eats them, yuck, but at least she's reducing the population somewhat.
At 10:55 AM ,
Anonymous said...
That's so cute how they play together. How are the others getting along? Little Ben is too cute. (Or is he Big Ben?)
At 11:06 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Oh LOL... great play pix! I especially love the first one, with them both poised to pounce. Mighty hunters!
Very neat on the quilt process. I do that with my bead-stringing a lot. Sometimes I have ideas in mind (although they often take a tangent [g]), and other times I just pull out things and tumble 'em together and see what comes out. Fun!
At 6:26 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Hee hee hee...have you seen 'Over the Hedge'? Your kitty reminds me of the scene when the raccoon distracted the squirrel from the cookie... and real quilters, darling, create real quilts--you qualify!!!
At 5:27 AM ,
Janette said...
Roxie, these two are simply gorgeous. You could post pictures every single day and I would never complain.
At 8:49 AM ,
Pat K said...
Enjoy the antics -- unfortunately they'll get bored soon when they can't catch it and will stop chasing it. Then Mommy and Daddy will have to think up a new game!
At 1:16 AM ,
Denise said...
Aaaah, the mysterious red dot - the perfect cat toy :)
I'm a fan of Dorothy Sayers too - aaah the enigmatic Lord Peter (swoon).
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