A finished object - almost
And if you have come up with something that is just too short, then slap together the odds and bobs in a random fashion and put at least three rows of it at either end. Nice, frame-ish thing.
The yarn sale was less of a hit to the pocketbook than I had feared. The seller was quite a dyer and weaver, and was very much into machiine knitting. Machine knitting yarn and weaving yarns hold no charms for me on the average.
But Sage-green cotton, white and green cotton eyelash, a ball of pink silk (! Squeeeee!),
for another $10 . . .
Eeeeeeeee!! DH, feel this! Isn't it soft? I got such a glorious DEAL!
He watches me dancing and exualting and says, in bemusement, "That's nice, dear."
Nice? Nice? It's awesome! It's glorious! It's - it's, - it's cashmere! Feel it!
He feels it. He agrees that it's soft. He accepts that it was a wonderful deal, but he doesn't - he doesn't understand the awesomeness of it. A pound of cashmere for $10! But a knitter would share my joy, won't you?
At 7:49 PM ,
JulieLoves2Knit said...
My gosh you've been busy! Orange kitties are the best!
At 4:38 AM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
"Cashmere Georgie!" (from Seinfeld)
Good score Roxie!!
At 5:17 AM ,
Bells said...
I just smack hubby around the head with the yarn purchases until he sees their wonder. Works a treat.
Beautiful quilt!
At 7:59 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Just reading you makes me happy, Roxie! Your glee is so well-expressed -- Squeeee indeed!
At 10:24 AM ,
Warrior Knitter said...
Sweetie has the same attitude about the cashmere. But I share YOURS.
You came away with some good stash!
Love the quilts.
At 7:12 AM ,
Anonymous said...
A pound of cashmere? For $10???
DH has no idea... ;) Congrats on everything, lovely haul!
At 9:12 AM ,
Lucia said...
drooling with envy...
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