I obviously am not destined to get dark blue silk for DH's tuxedo vest. This is some custom dyed silk that was supposed to be dark blue with a grey cast. The picture doesn't actually do it justice. It's a lovely subtle mottled greyish green. (It was dyed with indigo which can go toward the green side sometimes.)I'm going to go with it because a.) He likes green. b.)It's what the universe has given me after a lot of trying to get something else. I'm a slow learner, but I can get the hint if my nose is rubbed in it often enough.

While I was down on the floor next to the french doors where the light was good, trying to get an acceptable shot of the yarn, Ben came to help. I had some fabric and some tissue, trying to see if different backgrounds would help with the color.(They didn't.) Ben appointed himself chief paper wrestler.

Then Pepper came along to give him a few lessons.

Ben decided he would rather be a computer geek. He thinks he won't get beat up on as much.
Lately, the kitties have been experimenting with gravity. They are discovering that things fall down. If things on shelves are pushed, nudged, or jumped on, they are likely to fall off. Big things, when they are climbed on, can fall over. We are getting used to crashes, followed by frantically flailing kitty feet, two little streaks with ears down and tails straight out headed for another room, then two little faces peeping out as if to say, "What happened?"
At 7:42 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Those kitties look perfesctly innocent to me... Hehehehe...
At 9:01 AM ,
Pat K said...
Yes, totally innocent little kitty faces. "How could you possibly think I did anything?" Kittens are so much fun.
At 11:14 AM ,
Lucia said...
Holy cats, Batman! I don't read your blog for a few days and your feline population increases by 67%. So cute! As Grant says, kittens have two speeds: on and off.
I really admire people who get consistent results from dyeing. I am not one of them, possibly because at this stage of my career I like the experimental approach better.
At 1:31 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Now see, we're getting used to the same things...only a giant wail on the other end because somebody got biffed with a geo... (gravity effected object)
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