Why do I save four inch scraps of fabric? It takes forever to whack them together! And then, there are always the distractions . . .
Pepper insists on washing Ben's baby belly. Ben objects.

Imagine this wrestling match going on over a table full of carefully arranged fabric scraps, a box of pins, and a cup of tea balanced on the edge.

Scatter stuff? Knock things around? Make mom laugh out loud with our assumed innocence? Us?
I am almost done with the crocheted vest and started on knitting the pockets for it. this is TV and carry+-aro+und work.++ And kittens are helping me type.
May kittens help you through your day as well. Keep laughing.
At 10:42 AM ,
Lucia said...
But, Mom, it's our favorite place to play!
At 12:52 PM ,
Ruth said...
But you cut all that fabric up for their enjoyment, right? Why else would you do something like that?
Too cute for words.
At 3:49 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Absolutely nothing like gettin' a kitten fix for us cat-deprived cat lovers. Sheer joy. (How long after that last pic did it take for another wrestling match to start? [g])
At 10:18 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
I"m so jealous--you get to have kittens...(although the kids say I have kittens everyday, it's just not the same...)
At 6:19 AM ,
Janette said...
Honestly, these little guys are so gorgeous. Obviously everything is fun, fun, fun!
At 6:18 PM ,
Warrior Knitter said...
You save fabric scraps because someday you'll need 'em for a quilt. Although, if you didn't have 'em you'd still get by OK!!
Great cat pics!!
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