Sanna's Bag

“I never seem to have what I need when I need it. I’m going to make a belt-bag that’s bigger on the inside than on the outside, and just carry everything with me.”

Thursday, July 05, 2007

I'd be lyin' if I said I enjoyed it.

OK, everyone who said I should exercise more, I know you're right. I am dead lazy. I have refined lazy to an art. I can be mistaken for road kill. I can make a slug look hyperactive. But DH and I walked around the mall yesterday morning. Three miles. Then we worked in the yard. He got in 16 thousand paces. I got in - not quite so much. 8 thousand maybe? And still, I feel perkier today. Marginally. I admit this grudgingly because I am a fair woman, even if not athletic. As for checking the thyroid functions, I had a slew of blood tests. Any idea what might relate to thyroid?

So what can I do to motivate myself to move more? I am so happy sitting and reading and knitting. I could just snuggle under a quilt, put on a sweater, and keep sitting and reading and knitting and forgetting all sorts of things. But I do hate to be cold. (It was 89 degrees yesterday and I sat in my sling chair in the shade and if I had been struck by a meteor, I would have died happy.) And this mind like a steel seive does get to be a nuisance. I forget things I planned to do with friends - things I would LIKE to do with friends. It just falls out of my brain.

Anyhow, I have apologies to write now. And (moan) I need to go for a walk before it gets hot.

Almost up to the sleeve caps on the turquoise and white sweater. I hope to be done this week.


  • At 9:26 AM , Blogger Lyssa said...

    I read while riding a stationary bike.

  • At 10:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The thyroid measurement is generally listed at T4, but it really sounds to me like you should see an endocrinologist. Have you discussed that with your primary care? I had thyroid cancer 16 years ago and had no symptoms at all at the time of diagnosis, but the treatment for it means you have to go hypothyroid and I know those symptoms were a big part of that.

  • At 12:03 PM , Blogger Willow said...

    Mia had an infection in her thyroid this spring from a cold and her energy levels plummeted and she slept all the time. The dr says she'll heal naturally but thyroid levels have to be checked e/3weeks and adjusted medicinally. She is feeling better. Maybe that's what you have had.

    I knit while I use the elliptical machine. I think you could knit while on a stationary bike, too. I used to do that at 24 hr fitness.

    I hope you figure this out and feel better and can think more clearly.

  • At 1:37 PM , Blogger Lucia said...

    You could probably knit while walking, too (on a treadmill or not). (Is a treadmill the same as an elliptical machine? I have no idea. That tells you how often I go to the gym.)

  • At 4:04 PM , Blogger Amy Lane said...

    Darlin', I can say a hearty know how I get through exercise? I write. I plan my next chapter, I refine my plot points, I daydream in character...if I'm ever stuck for writing, I go walking. But my time for reading, knitting, and snuggling in a chair is, by necessity, limited...walking time is some of my small alotment of time in my own head...

  • At 6:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Walking is my favorite past time/exercise. It's like standing up, and controlled falling forward. Or, something like that. :) I take along a camera and a notebook. That way, I can take a break and shoot some photos or writ eout some notes about the next project going on.

  • At 2:45 PM , Blogger Warrior Knitter said...

    I loathe exercising for exercise's sake but knowing it must done doesn't make it any less unpleasant. I like puttering about in the yard, putting things in and taking things out and putting them elsewhere. It's like no exercise, exercise (mowing counts) and you have something concrete (sometimes literally) to show for it.

    I've gotten to where I can read or knit on a simply ribbed sock while on the treadmill at about 2mph or so. However, a brisk walk with DH or an athletic sail is preferable.


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