blooming fourth
So DH and I got up at 6ish, went and walked at the mall, showered and had breakfast, then laid groundcloth prior to bark-dusting, Bought four new daphne bushes (squeee! We loves our daphnes, we does!)
Planted them before the delivery of the barkdust, and then went at the garden chaos like two speed-freaks killing electric-acid-bluesnakes. And at the end of all that nail-destroying, thorn acquiring, knuckle-scraping, back-straining,dirt encrusting, profusely sweating work, I harvested flowers.
Now it's my time to go out into the garden and be the beauty of Kashmir. I will lie in the sling chair, shaded in the heat of the day, sipping cool water and drooping in opulent languidity. No hot-dogs on the barbeque. No screaming kids getting overheated and over stimulated. No one but DH and the cats to enjoy the day with. What more can a woman ask?
The roses, though steadfastly neglected, continue to produce with fragrant generosity. Sniff and sigh with bliss every time I pick up or put down my keys. Life is good.
May this fourth of July be full of your personal favorite things, and may the fireworks light up your heart all year long!
At 1:07 PM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
I don't know, but up in these parts, if it's outside it doesn't get dusted!! Okay, the patio furniture gets cleaned occasionally, but our trees are quite independent and fend for themselves. Bark dusting - crazy Americans!!! LOL
At 1:13 PM ,
Pat K said...
Happy 4th to you as well. Beautiful roses!
At 7:52 PM ,
Bells said...
your life sounds so lovely Roxie. I love Daphne too. Very much.
At 2:48 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Love those lilies! (Roses, too, but you know how it is around here. [g] I rarely see lilies.)
Not having AC, I sensibly slept through however-too-hot it got. Then watched the neighborhood fireworks. Another year's success, no sirens - and some really good fireworks! Happy 4th!
At 4:05 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
I can almost smell the roses from here...your days sounds so much more relaxing than mine.
At 4:29 PM ,
Denise said...
What gorgeous flowers! I've got a Daphne bush in a big pot, and I loves it too!
Couldn't comment on your next post, or see any of the comments, for some weird Bloggery webby reason (probably at my end), so I was just going to say that Lab Tests Online can help you decipher what's been ordered in your blood tests, either by incomprehensible code or by condition.
At 2:36 PM ,
Warrior Knitter said...
Opulent is good. Languidity is excellent. Opulent languidity is the best.
Your flowers are beautiful. Love how you have them arranged.
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