photos included just for color
But really, I'm spending two and a half hours of every day just checking in on everyone and sometimes making comments. I have other things to do. Things I want to do. However, as with any good addiction, I find myself unable to stop. I can't help checking in on Amy at Writer's Lane and seeing how the Cave Troll is getting along. And Jejune's wicked lamb, Miss Lulu simply captivates me! Speaking of my favorite Lulus, I'm having Cabin Cove withdrawals while Dave moves to a new appartment. And you know what? I'm not going to share all these website addresses because I bet you have the same addiciton and would just go romping off to spend even MORE time on line, meeting more new friends and leaving the laundry and litterboxes to languish "just a little longer." Why should I aid and abet your addiction when I can't shake my own?
One thing that all addicitons have in common is that they never start out as a solitary fluke. You need someone to introduce you and teach you how to appreciate the drug of choice. Would anyone buy a pack of cigarettes, light up and inhale without some sort of encouragement and training? Did you enjoy your first taste of alcohol? It's something we need to learn to love. Same with blog-addiction. You have to master the tools (computer) and find the niche that fits (knitter-blogs) before you really get hooked. Then all too soon, you can't get through the day without checking in on your friends. I've even let my e-mails lapse because the blogverse sucks up too much of my time and attention. I have a book that needs an agent. And the litter box reeks!
Hi. My name is Roxie and I'm a blogaholic. Is there a twelve step program for me?
Love my shoes.
At 8:18 AM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
I don't have a problem with ______ (knitting, x-stitching, blog reading, whatever). I could quit anytime that I wanted to. I just don't want to.
At 9:35 AM ,
Pat K said...
And I thought I was spending too much time on this. I'm still over 200 bloglines behind, and I've been trying to catch up for about three weeks. (I got behinder some more last week.) What a choice. Knit? Blog? Knit? Blog? Learn to knit while blog reading. Hard to knit and write comments at the same time, though.
At 9:51 AM ,
margene said...
Yes, ma'am!! I'm attached to my computer while at work and my job that there is little to do. It makes being addicted easier and I try to keep a balance when at home. This is the worst (and best) addiction I have ever had.
At 10:46 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Oh, LOL...too true, too true. Although I'm not fighting it either, because my computer is my connection to the outside world (that stoopid agoraphobia thing), and blogs - heaven! Although meeting some bloggers sure is wonderful. I'm hoping the PDX blogger group will help with that!
Love the color. Love the shoes. Giggled about your mom. Love your childhood friends; I had the same kind. Spent a lot of after-school hours in the break room of the St. John's library, reading like mad. (Mom worked there several years. A book addict's dream. Now, talk about an addiction!)
At 12:54 PM ,
Tammy said...
Hmm, is there a camera that is looking into my knitting/computer corner? Rox, this was a little too close to home, here. ;)
Fortunately I have an excuse today, but it's a bad one. We all have the flu. The 17yo teen is the only one not sick.
At 4:23 PM ,
Warrior Knitter said...
Often I sit and knit (easy stuff - no lace or cables) while reading blogs. But you're right. You can't knit and type, at least I can't.
Love the top and bottom photos!!
At 6:59 PM ,
Flea-Bites said...
I love your outfit, I love the colours, I love the shoes, I love your sense of humour, I love your way with words. I still have the giggles over your Mum's response! How true! I bet if we tuned in today, the response would still be relevant!
I share your ambivalence about the blogosphere - in fact I was lying in bed this morning (instead of getting up and doing things), thinking that I'd stop blogging when we move. Apart from anything else, it's slowly killing me - I get even less exercise than I did (I hate exercise), putting on more weight, I'm behind with everything else, and not doing things that I'd really like to do - genealogy, movies, museums, concerts etc - blogging just happens to fit very nicely with my social phobia and my neurotic procrastination. What to do! What to do!
Stop whingeing and do it all would probably be the sensible thing to do.
By the way, Roxie, I had the funniest ten minute long message from the 11 year old little Flea. We had an unexpected visit on Sunday morning (today is Tuesday morning here) - I gave her "Sanna, Sorceress Apprentice" and told her that my friend who wrote it wanted to know what an 11 year old thought about it - so I expected a book review from her. Last night (Monday) she left the long message - she loved it, couldn't put it down, wants the next one before it hits the shops (she thinks I have an "in" with the author!) - and she took you to task for not giving more details about the denouement (in other words she wanted the next book to be part of this one!). She'll be very pleased to know that the next book is nearly finished. Oh, and she loved the cover. As soon as I have a week free! to transcribe the message, I'll post it on my blog - feel free to take it. And another thing, she wants to know if her comments can be on the back cover!!!!! Talk about a little entrepreneur. I wish there was some way you could hear the message - it's sweet.
At 7:26 PM ,
Lucia said...
I just finished Sanna too, and a certain 11-year-old wants to read it next (as soon as she finishes the latest Pendragon book, speaking of addictions). You did leave an awful lot of loose ends there, enough for plenty of sequels.
It took us a few days to figure out Web access here in sunny Mexico, but as soon as we did, what am I doing? I don't suppose there's any way I can blame you for this.
At 10:31 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
(All, in Chorus...) Hiya Roxie...
I hear you,'s one of the reasons I keep my list of blogs pretty small, all things considered... but it only helps a little:-)
At 6:20 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Ah, Roxie, I may flirt with other blogs, but YOURS is my consistent addiction. You can't blame me for that, can you?
At 7:56 PM ,
Bells said...
I'm with you Roxie. I manage to fit the blogs in, somehow, but you know, as addictions go, it could be worse. I've had worse (nothing too scary) and this is a good one. Keeps me off the street. ;-)
Love that photo!
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