unhappy news
Jack's leg was too badly broken to repair. They had to take it off. He is still pretty groggy from the pain killers, and he progresses by jerking up and falling forward. He is now curled in a nest of old sweaters at my feet (right next to the heat vent) with a dish of his favorite food and a bowl of water right handy. He ate well this morning, and he purred when I lay down with him and gave him strokes and cuddles, but he won't be held. And after I gave him his medicines, he doesn't want a thing to do with me any more.
He doesn't understand why all of this is happening. All he knows is that he is frightened, confused, and maimed. God must feel as sorry for me as I feel for Jack. I have had to go through some awful things that didn't make any sense to me. Just as Jack trusts me even though I'm the one who takes him to the vet, I trust God. He loves me and takes care of me beter than I love and take care of Jack. So I guess that Jack and I are both in God's hand. Blessings and comfort for the poor old cat.
Thanks and hugs to everyone who has been so kind about this. You guys are champion!
He doesn't understand why all of this is happening. All he knows is that he is frightened, confused, and maimed. God must feel as sorry for me as I feel for Jack. I have had to go through some awful things that didn't make any sense to me. Just as Jack trusts me even though I'm the one who takes him to the vet, I trust God. He loves me and takes care of me beter than I love and take care of Jack. So I guess that Jack and I are both in God's hand. Blessings and comfort for the poor old cat.
Thanks and hugs to everyone who has been so kind about this. You guys are champion!
At 9:40 AM ,
margene said...
I'm so sorry Roxie! When he starts to feel better the response will be more positive. Moxie didn't want attention after his surgery either...they just want to feel better and that happens quickly. Hugs to you and Jack.
At 9:50 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Awwww... Poor little guy. Maybe after he is all healed from surgery he'll be a little more social.
At 4:14 PM ,
Willow said...
Oh poor Black Jack. Give him snuggles from me as soon as he's willing. Sending catnip thoughts...
adult-onset violin- that had me laughing OUT LOUD. My ears, my ears! My grandpa played the violin occasionally and badly. My memory ears are hearing screeches.
At 5:21 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Oh, Roxie, I am so sorry for little Jack. He will be ok. It's the shock of it all and the medication. My heart goes out to you both. I am heartbroken, but glad he is still here. And he is purring from your touch, and that says a LOT.
Love to you both.
At 6:02 PM ,
Mommyleek said...
Sorry to hear that BlackJack's surgery didn't go as well has hoped, but the fact that he's home with you, regardless of how grouchy, says a lot about his wellbeing. Most animals, after such a major surgery and at his advanced age, require an overnight stay at the very least.
Give him a good scratch on the chin for me. He'll be up and hopping around before you know it.
At 6:26 PM ,
JulieLoves2Knit said...
Poor Jack but maybe he's always wanted to be a good pirate! It won't take long and he'll be himself again - I'm sorry you are all suffering.
At 2:07 AM ,
Flea-Bites said...
Hang in there Roxie - it's really upsetting when you see your pet suffering and you can't comfort them. I've always been amazed at how quickly they seem to recover, though - so here's hoping he'll be hopping around very soon.
At 8:06 AM ,
Pat K said...
Oh dear! Best get-well wishes to Blackjack and hope for a speedy recovery! And yes, we are all cared for, even when it doesn't make any sense at all.
At 9:31 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
AWWW...poor kitty-but kitty will recover--kitty's momma, I'm worried about-ouchie trauma!!!
At 11:49 AM ,
Tammy said...
Oh you poor guys are really going through a rough spot. I am thinking about you and pray that Jack's healing goes well. I know it's hard watching them in pain.
At 1:59 PM ,
Norma said...
Oh, Roxie, I am so sorry to hear about this. The good news is he's purring, and our four-footed friends adapt incredibly well. Still very sad, and I send you a big hug.
At 8:31 PM ,
roxie said...
Tim of the farceeing hat said, "Sorry to hear about BlackJack.
When he is better, I'll carve him a peg leg, if you think you can get him to wear it."
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