signs of spring.
OK, I know there are folks out there who are up to their bunwarmers in snow, and oh my god do I pity you! But winter WILL come to an end eventually. It may take a while to get to your neck of the woods, but look!

I'm no gardener, but I think this might be witch hazel. Not much fragrance, but such a cheery yellow!

I'm no gardener, but I think this might be witch hazel. Not much fragrance, but such a cheery yellow!
This is a climbing hydrangea on campus. If you look closely, you can see green leaf buds!
I don't know what the bush underneath it is, but it has flowers like teensy white tassles that will just perfume the whole house till everyone is sick of it! If there is a bee within ten miles downwind, it's gonna be able to find these bushes.
Another picture from the Clackamas Community College campus. One of those times when there is a small break in the clouds to the south, so the sun shines down on you, and a big black storm in the north gives a dramatic look to the sky.
Here we have wild snowdrops sneaking through the fence. Take heart. Your snowdrops are coming too!
I'm not nearly so tired today. Getting back into harness fairly quickly. Yesterday I spent a couple of hours stuffing and sealing envelopes.(for this I spent four years in college?) It was easier on my back to stand at the counter than to sit at the desk. Standing IS hard on the tootsies!
Now I'm going to read and knit. This textbook has quite a liberal bias. Even though I'm liberal at heart, I feel they should at least present a balanced view. However, hired readers do not get to edit the texts. So I have to read the part where they tell us that all anti-social behavior is the fault of society, and the individual has no personal responsibility for his actions. ARRRRGGGHHH!!!!
At 5:08 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Such alovely reminder that spring is coming... thanks... and its tough reading stuff that makes us liberals look like weenies, isn't it? (I'm pretty liberal too, but Ive taught long enough for abdication of personal respnsibility to make me grit my teeth...)
At 7:23 AM ,
Anonymous said...
OMG, I can't believe that you have signs of spring TODAY. We're having our first bit of snow for winter...
Beautiful and inspiring photos of things to come.
At 8:13 AM ,
JulieLoves2Knit said...
I love those black sky moments - we've had a few lately!
At 11:14 AM ,
Willow said...
In the spring a young man's heart turns to love. Happy Valentine's Day.
The aromatic bush may be daphne.
Any forsythia blooming yet? Pussy willows?
It takes only ONE year of teaching to learn that personal responsibility is the key to a person's success.
At 3:26 PM ,
Pat K said...
ARRRRGGGHHH!!!!! too. Lack of personal responsibility is one of my major pet peeves. And Lent starts next Wednesday and Easter is April 8. How's that for two unlinked thoughtlines.
At 6:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Tamara e-mailed me to say, "Yes that's a witch hazel - the smell is often more apparent at a distance than up close. Under the hydrangea petiolaris? Sarcoccoca, aka sweet box or Christmas box. S. humilis if it is low and spreading. I forget the name of the taller shrubbier variety, which I have. I tend to forget it till I step out the back door one day in late Jan."
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