Fun at the fair
DH that Darling Husband of mine, took me to the Clackamas County Fair on Saturday. We wandered through the displays and critiqued the various competitions. (That got a red ribbon? I can see mistakes from here!) Next year, I have got to get my act together and enter a few knitted items! Then we went to see the animals. I do love those bunnies.
Some are very social, and some are shy. They also had a bunny agility race that was just a hoot. Some of the bunnies ran it in harness with the owner trotting along beside. Some bunnies hopped the gates, and some ran right through them. A big English Hairy bunny spent most of his time trying to get out of the harness and run away. With his looks, he doesn't need to perform.
And the chickens never fail to delight. Banty roosters make me smile. They try to out-crow and out-posture the big guys all day long. They must go home in a state of exhaustion.
The Silkies consistently tickle my fancy. love that fluffy head.
Now here's something you don't see every day - a lap-pony.
A little more common is a goat with a coat. (All cleaned up for show.)
Of course, everywhere you look, there are kids having fun or just taking it easy.
We made our way to the Pioneer Village in which I spent two or three stints as the local spinner and weaver. But I hated camping out so badly that I gave it up. Still, I made some wonderful friends. I always stop for kettle corn.
And every year I stock up on Laurelstone Soap. Laurie makes wonderful old fashioned soap with goatsmilk and oatmeal. I have used no other soap on my face for twenty years. It's amazing! Mild,and thourough but gentle. And Laurie is just a sweetheart! One night, she found me walking in my sleep, looking for DH, and she lovingly took me back to my tent and put me back to bed.
I'm trying to get her to start blogging, so if she does, I'll put up a link.
Some are very social, and some are shy. They also had a bunny agility race that was just a hoot. Some of the bunnies ran it in harness with the owner trotting along beside. Some bunnies hopped the gates, and some ran right through them. A big English Hairy bunny spent most of his time trying to get out of the harness and run away. With his looks, he doesn't need to perform.
And the chickens never fail to delight. Banty roosters make me smile. They try to out-crow and out-posture the big guys all day long. They must go home in a state of exhaustion.
The Silkies consistently tickle my fancy. love that fluffy head.
Now here's something you don't see every day - a lap-pony.
A little more common is a goat with a coat. (All cleaned up for show.)
Of course, everywhere you look, there are kids having fun or just taking it easy.
We made our way to the Pioneer Village in which I spent two or three stints as the local spinner and weaver. But I hated camping out so badly that I gave it up. Still, I made some wonderful friends. I always stop for kettle corn.
I'm trying to get her to start blogging, so if she does, I'll put up a link.
At 10:09 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
I stay away from the fair. Way to crowded.
At 12:02 PM ,
Willow said...
My BEST FRIEND, Laurie! Thanks for posting the picture of her! I too only use Laurie's soap. My skin thanks me daily. And there's nothing like her unscented soap for my hubby's sensitive skin.
At 4:23 PM ,
Rose L said...
Now we know your beauty secret--a magical soap!
At 4:49 AM ,
Donna Lee said...
There's a place near here that used to have a village of craftspeople who would just ply their craft and people could come in and watch and learn. There was a candlemaker, a wood worker, a chair caner and a few others I can't remember. I don't remember a spinner, though. They had tiny tiny cabins (the same cabins that were on site when the village was an actual village with actual workers). it was a wonderful tourist attraction but I think it got too expensive to run. I always wanted to be one of the craftsfolk.
I love the fuzzy headed chickens! They remind me of David Bowie in his Ziggy Stardust days.
At 5:02 AM ,
Benita said...
I love looking at the bunnies and the chickens at the fair. This year, both days I was at the Indiana State Fair, the bunnies and chicken were my among my first stops.
It looks like you had an awesome time.
At 10:23 AM ,
mplanck said...
I wasn't expecting a trip to the Fair when I checked my favorite blogs, so want to say thank-you for the treat. I love your photographs and accompanying text! What a treat!
At 7:49 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
LOL-- okay-- the walking in your sleep thing-- THAT would be a reason to hate camp outs! And uhm... eeeeeee! BUNNIES!!!! (Sorry! Cute overload!)
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