Yesterday, we saved the daylight!
Let's have a show of hands. Who thinks daylight savings time is a good idea? Anybody? Hellooo? OK, things to do today: 1.Blog, quilts, 3.plan book launch party catering, 4.get copyrights, 5.find out how to start a petition to cease and desist Daylight Savings Time.
After knitting yesterday, TW called from an estate sale she had stopped at on her way home. It was the home of one of us mega-stash yarn ladies, and things were a bit pricey on Saturday, but Sunday was the 50% off clearance time. TW e-mailed everyone in the knitting group! The discount sales started at noon.
So DH, being the sweetest man in the world took me over there. At 11:40 there was a line. We signed up and were #62. When they finally opened up (five minutes late of course) they let in only 30 people at a time. And you had to be there when they called your number, or you lost your spot. We waited 20 minutes in the rain for the sale to open. After another 20 minutes in the rain I was wet, and chilled to the bone. They called number 44, and I gave up. You had to wait till someone came out before they would let you in, and clearly the people who made it inside were taking their time. I have yarn. If I need more yarn I will support my local yarn store. I don't need to freeze myself and my husband just to feed my insatiable yarn appetite.
He turned up the heat in the rig as we headed home and we both steamed gently as the squelchy clothes warmed up. Yes, we do have proper rain gear, but somehow neither of us anticipated 40 minutes in a downpour.
Then we passed a buxom young woman walking down the sidewalk who was REALLY not dressed for the weather. She had on sheepskin slippers, black lace pantyhose, and a dark hoody sweatshirt over a grey tunic which the sweatshirt had pulled up in the back, exposing her hiney and her baggy granny panties showing through the lace. I was too stunned to even suggest that we turn around and say something to her. And DH is a strong believer in leaving people alone because they might look like that on purpose or they might be violently crazy. But the poor girl! The hoody had to be soaked, and her legs were that purplish blotchy color. I can't help wondering what the story is, and hoping she's just a fashion victim, suffering for her beauty.
So I got a hot bath and changed into dry clothes and off we went to see "Stomp!" MJ and RW took us to celebrate my birthday. Oh my gosh it was too cool for school!! I can see how all the skits evolved, too. You get a natural percussionist, and they will drum on just about anything. There was one scene where five of the cast were rattling matches in boxes and played them like precision instruments for minutes on end. Can't you just see a couple of drummers sitting around, rattling matchboxes, tapping them, riffing on the rhythms? In another scene, guys came out with metal sinks slung in front of them from cables around their necks. Drummers usually have to take any job they can pick up to keep food on the table between gigs. A couple of drummers, side by side washing dishes in some kitchen somewhere begin playing with the noises they can make. Squeak the rubber gloves on the sides of the metal sink. Tap on the tin cup as the water pours out of it, changing the tone. Bang the pot against the side of the sink. Give them a metal spoon, and all work comes to a halt while the muses take over. They had water in the sinks, and one guy was splashing wildly till another guy threw a cup of water in his face. At the end, they stood over buckets and opened the sink drains to let the water flow out, like a bunch of guys lined up peeing. And the mad splasher drained and drained - and drained, and kept on draining long after the other guys were done, and when he finished, he gave his sink a little shake. I howled!!
They played everything in every way you could imagine. Plastic wash tubs, garbage cans, tire rims, and in one scene, they used truck tire innertubes slung around their waists like bizzarre hoop skirts and pounded on them with dowels. Stomping their feet, clacking the sticks against one another, drumming on the innertubes, it was a heart-stirring symphony of sound! They worked like maniacs for the whole performance! What athletes! I was jazzed for hours afterwards.
We went to a local Chinese restaurant for dinner and MJ and I played with our napkins, making rhythms untill the waitress gave us the hairy eyeball. But it was FUN! I still feel all foot-tappy today. If you get a chance to see the show, I think you'll love it as much as I did.
After knitting yesterday, TW called from an estate sale she had stopped at on her way home. It was the home of one of us mega-stash yarn ladies, and things were a bit pricey on Saturday, but Sunday was the 50% off clearance time. TW e-mailed everyone in the knitting group! The discount sales started at noon.
So DH, being the sweetest man in the world took me over there. At 11:40 there was a line. We signed up and were #62. When they finally opened up (five minutes late of course) they let in only 30 people at a time. And you had to be there when they called your number, or you lost your spot. We waited 20 minutes in the rain for the sale to open. After another 20 minutes in the rain I was wet, and chilled to the bone. They called number 44, and I gave up. You had to wait till someone came out before they would let you in, and clearly the people who made it inside were taking their time. I have yarn. If I need more yarn I will support my local yarn store. I don't need to freeze myself and my husband just to feed my insatiable yarn appetite.
He turned up the heat in the rig as we headed home and we both steamed gently as the squelchy clothes warmed up. Yes, we do have proper rain gear, but somehow neither of us anticipated 40 minutes in a downpour.
Then we passed a buxom young woman walking down the sidewalk who was REALLY not dressed for the weather. She had on sheepskin slippers, black lace pantyhose, and a dark hoody sweatshirt over a grey tunic which the sweatshirt had pulled up in the back, exposing her hiney and her baggy granny panties showing through the lace. I was too stunned to even suggest that we turn around and say something to her. And DH is a strong believer in leaving people alone because they might look like that on purpose or they might be violently crazy. But the poor girl! The hoody had to be soaked, and her legs were that purplish blotchy color. I can't help wondering what the story is, and hoping she's just a fashion victim, suffering for her beauty.
So I got a hot bath and changed into dry clothes and off we went to see "Stomp!" MJ and RW took us to celebrate my birthday. Oh my gosh it was too cool for school!! I can see how all the skits evolved, too. You get a natural percussionist, and they will drum on just about anything. There was one scene where five of the cast were rattling matches in boxes and played them like precision instruments for minutes on end. Can't you just see a couple of drummers sitting around, rattling matchboxes, tapping them, riffing on the rhythms? In another scene, guys came out with metal sinks slung in front of them from cables around their necks. Drummers usually have to take any job they can pick up to keep food on the table between gigs. A couple of drummers, side by side washing dishes in some kitchen somewhere begin playing with the noises they can make. Squeak the rubber gloves on the sides of the metal sink. Tap on the tin cup as the water pours out of it, changing the tone. Bang the pot against the side of the sink. Give them a metal spoon, and all work comes to a halt while the muses take over. They had water in the sinks, and one guy was splashing wildly till another guy threw a cup of water in his face. At the end, they stood over buckets and opened the sink drains to let the water flow out, like a bunch of guys lined up peeing. And the mad splasher drained and drained - and drained, and kept on draining long after the other guys were done, and when he finished, he gave his sink a little shake. I howled!!
They played everything in every way you could imagine. Plastic wash tubs, garbage cans, tire rims, and in one scene, they used truck tire innertubes slung around their waists like bizzarre hoop skirts and pounded on them with dowels. Stomping their feet, clacking the sticks against one another, drumming on the innertubes, it was a heart-stirring symphony of sound! They worked like maniacs for the whole performance! What athletes! I was jazzed for hours afterwards.
We went to a local Chinese restaurant for dinner and MJ and I played with our napkins, making rhythms untill the waitress gave us the hairy eyeball. But it was FUN! I still feel all foot-tappy today. If you get a chance to see the show, I think you'll love it as much as I did.
At 9:51 AM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
I'm all about giving yarn a good home but I have my limits too - you made a valiant effort but I think that you made a good call. You'd have been really irritated if you had waited so much longer only to be rewarded with picked-over, left-over, undesirable acrylics.
Kerwyn & I saw Stomp for one of our anniversaries - it was awesome!!!
At 10:45 AM ,
LA said...
My son was in the percussion section all through middle and high school. So, I can confirm that they DO play on ANY available surface....and any available object can become an instrument! Sorry you didn't get to feed your fiber frenzy, but, there is more fiber out there....never fear!
At 3:24 PM ,
tlbw said...
Sorry about that...sounds like he rest of your day was great, though.
I'm with you on DST. I'm dubious that it really serves any purpose, as far as saving energy. I mean, if you don't need the lights on for an hour more in the evening, you need to leave them on for an hour more in the early morning, right? I know it isn't that simple, but what you gain on the swings you lose on the round-abouts, over the course of the year. And the poor farmer has more weeks in which the early morning milking happens in the dark. Farmers just work until the day's work is done. Clock-time has nothing to do with it. Personally I wake up slow and hard, and wind down to sleep the same way. My body rhythms, such as they are, prefer standard time.
At 6:19 PM ,
Donna Lee said...
W insisted we NEEDED DST so that automatically makes it suspect in my book. I'm all for doing away with it. I hate the week following the change.
I wouldn't have waited in the rain either. I have enough yarn and I'd figure that all the good stuff would be gone by the time I got in.
In my line of work, I see people every day whose fashion sense is, um, creative. I have to just smile and pretend it's all normal.
At 10:07 PM ,
Rose Red said...
I LOVE daylight savings. I'd so much rather have an extra hour of light at the end of the day than early in the morning when I'm still in bed.
At 5:18 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
I don't save much with the time change. In fact, it just makes me cranky.
At 12:14 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
Oh, so jealous about Stomp-- I've wanted to see them forever and ever...
And I'm actually a fan of this time change--lets me sleep in on Saturdays and stay up on weekdays!
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