finishing the leftovers
Leftover quichlettes for breakfast. Leftover scones for lunch. DH is taking leftover shortbreads to work with him. MJ already took leftover gingerbreads home to her two teen boys- the perfect eating machines. Dishes are all done and put away, and next week I'll have time to iron the napkins. And then it's time to start plannig the next one.
And then there's the leftover political discussions. As TW was leaving, she spoke of her belief in the need for, and practicality of socialized medicine. I don't know. Really, I don't. I lived in Denmark for a year and got to experience socialized medicine first hand, and I saw that you get what you pay for. In fact, you COULD pay for more and better if you wanted. I also saw that when people can survive on the dole, a lot of them will do so. Perfectly sound bodied people say, "Why work when over half my paycheck goes to the government? I'll just lay back and let the government support me." No, it's not right, but it sure is human.
And if we make all medical care available to everyone, then how do we decide who goes first? Person A will die unless he gets a heart transplant in one week. And he may not survive even then. B stands a MUCH better chance of returning to a healthy normal life if he gets his heart transplant next week, but he can survive, growing weaker by the day for another month. Soooo, who gets the transplant?
And, is every woman who wants a child entitled to all the fertility experts offer? How about a woman who already has children? How about a woman who does crack? How about a woman who smokes? Maybe she just has a glass of wine with dinner? Perhaps she doesn't always remember to take her vitamins or get her exercise daily. Where do you draw the line? I can't say I'm all in favor of socialized medicine because I'm not.
On the other hand, I'm very much in favor of preventive medicine. I see clearly that if people can't afford basic maintenance, we wind up paying more in the long run because they have fewer productive work days and finally wind up going to emergency. People who can't afford to get their teeth cared for wind up with critical heath issues as a result. Infections, chronic pain, damage to the cardio-vascular system. So how about government-issue dental work that is strictly non-cosmetic. As things stand now, some kids get straight white teeth, and some kids don't. You can pretty much tell how poor a family is by the kid's teeth. Maybe we could start by making sure the choppers are sound. And glasses, too. Even for kids who lose them twice a day. And work our way up to heart transplants and expensive perscriptions. My SIL spend $3000 a month on her meds.
I know it would be cheaper to visit the doctor if he didn't have to carry such outrageously high malpractice insurance. So here we are again, trying to decide how much is enough and who is entitled to what when something goes wrong. This is why I hate politics. I just don't have any answers. Lots of questions. No answers. I'm gonna go eat some more scones.
At 7:54 PM ,
Julie said...
Scones... yeah, I prefer chocolate when trying to solve the medical insurance issue, but scones are good too.
We have military medicine. Which I consider kind of a window onto what would happen if the American medical system went socialized. It's better than nothing, but sometimes, barely. I've been told repeatedly that I should be thankful for free medical care, but they've landed me in so many bad situations due to misdiagnosis... well, it's better than nothing, right? Maybe? Possibly?
What we REALLY need is a way to hold doctors accountable. Everyone makes the occasional mistake, but those who regularly screw up need to disappear. Permanently.
Hmm. Now I need chocolate.
At 9:35 PM ,
Em said...
Ahh, political and philosophical questions late at night. I'm going to go ahead and say that everyone deserves health care, and that nobody should be stuck selling their homes or family members in order to be healthy and whole. I'm not sure that socialization is the way to go, but I think there are some changes we can make that will keep everyone healthier and happier. And less poor.
At 10:39 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I suppose if there were an easy answer, then it would be a done deal already. Is it possible that we can say "Preventitive" is free? Just like my dental and medical insurance doesn't charge me co-pay or deductions on "Wellness (preventitive) appointments. MMM??
Ponderous questions. But the heaviest mystery to wrap my brain around is: YOU IRON?????
Wow! I was ironing something when my 10-year old child walked by and said, "What's that?"
He hadn't seen an iron before. He hasn't 7 years later either.
At 10:27 AM ,
Bobbie Wallace said...
I'm with Em - had military medical with the 1st husband. We had wonderful docs who did as much as they were allowed. Allowed being the operative word. My kids got immunizations and well baby care, but I got practically nothing from "abnormal" pap smears until it was time to have chemo, radiation, and surgery - including 4 weeks in the hospital while my 2 1/2 year old and 6 month old were at a trusted friends house. And I doubt that I would have had that if I hadn't thrown a screaming hissy fit in the Air Force Hospital Commander's office threatening to call my senators and representatives because they were denying me care because my husband was Army and we weren't "entitled" to use anything except Army hospitals (where the base commander's wife had just died having her tonsils out). And in 12 years, none of us got glasses or dental care through the base because the waiting list was over 2 years long so by the time we got to the top, we had moved. If that's a glimpse into socialized medicine, then no thank you. But, we do need to fix the system we have - it's definitely broken. I just wish I knew how.
At 1:59 PM ,
Anonymous said...
But Roxie - I don't se how the reforms I suggested - single risk pool, and no exclusion for "pre-existing condition" - equal "socialized." And my third point was, pariahs like me could be added to the federal employees pool, as Demo. candidates suggested. All these reforms still leave us with a private system and insurance companies making big bucks fixing rates.
Meanwhile, here I am, 61 and taking good care of myself, unable to purchase insurance, because once a year or so my diverticulitis acts up, and I require 1 or 2 office calls and a prescription for Augmentin. Sure, I can pay for this.
But what if I develop cancer.....
or have a stroke....
Who ends up paying in the long run? Well, my impoverished family - and everyone else, because everyone else is charged to cover the costs doctors and hospitals can't recover from the uninsured. How does that make sense?
P.S. I did used to have insurance.
I would purchase insurance if we could.
I'm terrified, in case you haven't noticed.
At 2:20 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
*ah* the questions that power the universe.
Honestly, the Libra comes out in me for most of these. Both sides are right, both sides are wrong, and humanity is too imperfect to spawn a system that doesn't make my head hurt.
But I bet the scones were delicious!
At 3:04 PM ,
Galad said...
I think the medical insurance system discussion requies chocolate and liquor.
I don't know what the answer is either, but what have isn't working.
At 4:32 PM ,
Willow said...
No answers from here and I agree that preventive is the best policy. I do my best to take care of myself, diet, exercise, and all around me I see people who smoke, etc, and I'm thinking, I don't want to pay for THEIR health problems, self induced.
At 7:48 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Frontline had a really interesting show on different countries who have recently switched to national medical care: like Switzerland, Taiwan among others. It's available on their website.
National healthcare doesn't mean sloth, horror stories etc... in fact, the man who put together the story said that these countries he looked at spend less money per person and get more care. While we spend more money per person and not every person even GETS care! Blew my mind... and that means that if we spend the same amount, but do it better.... then no skin off my nose and everyone can have care.
As a nurse... this would be a good thing.
In addition... if the above mentioned woman's divertic should rupture... she's not covered... so will she lose her house? Car? Retirement fund? Children's college funds? Is that fair? Do we rescue people who lose their home to fire, but allow illness to rob them of everything??
Just sayin.... L.
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