Some knitting
I have finished a tote around tube sock. Yayy.
For years, literally years, DH has longed for a wide-screen TV. Being the wise man that he is, he knew they would get cheaper if he waited. From a starting price of over five thousand dollars, they dropped and dropped and he waitied and waited. Finally, on Saturday, he found a deal he could live with. No interest on the payments till 2010! (Doesn't that sound like forever? It's 3 years away.)Notice in the back ground his new toy?
The reason I didn't blog yesterday was . . .I was moving furniture in preparation for the instalation. I started at 6:30, pulling books out of shelves until they were light enough to drag around, then re-loading them when they were in place. dragging furniture off the area rug, and giving it a thourough vacuuming. (Hate to vacuume! Hate it! TOOO LOUD!) Rolling up and dragging area rug into garage. Sweeping and mopping the hardwood underneath. Mopping it again. unplugging all the electronics next to the sofa, untangling the multi-cord knot and hauling everything into another room to clear the decks. Dragging the sofa to a new location and sweeping and mopping under it. A brief silence for the entire civilization of dust bunnies thereby dispossessed and great cheers for all the knitting tools rediscovered! At 9:30 the nice young man arrived to do the install. I folded laundry for twenty minutes (things had rather gotten away from me.) then unloaded the dishwasher, then went into the yard with the Big clippers to take down the growth that was covering the entrance to the crawl space. The nice young man had to go into the crawl space to move the TV cables to the other wall. I loaned him sweats to go over his clothes because the crawl space is nasty! He left at 12 after a brief introduction to the multiple remotes and excess of buttons. And then I pitched in to putting the room back together. Next to the TV is most of my yarn stash (I LOOOOVE my square baskets! OK, half of my yarn stash. OK, some of the stash. But doesn't it look all organized and tidy?)
We have shifted the focal point of the living room by 90 degrees, created a cozy conversational grouping of the furniture, and established a veritable pig-wallow for obsessive TV indulgence. I sat down to see if the speakers obscured the screen from one particular angle, and woke up when DH arrive home an hour later. Bed came an hour early, and when the alarm went off this morning, I lay there for several seconds wondering what that noise was and if I needed to get up to deal with it. I'm taking asprins today, but it was worth it! I can't leave this house. I'm too out of shape to move! If one room wiped me out, what would a whole house do?
Am I bragging or complaining? Who cares? It's time for a little power nap before I go to my writer's group at noon.
At 12:59 PM ,
Willow said...
Thanks for all your encouragement, Roxie!
I was looking at the photo of the new TV (ignoring the TV envy emotion waving over me) and trying to figure out the orientation...finally got it.
Be thankful you don't have to move! I was soooo wiped out after moving last fall. It took WEEKS to recover.
At 6:28 PM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
You don't really realize what the big deal is with the large/flat screen TV's until you get one!!
The sock complements the TV nicely btw.
At 5:41 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Very nice sock, TV is nice also. Flat screens are sharp.
At 3:55 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
I would rather pull my own toenails out than move furniture. If you saw my house, you'd realize that this explains a lot! Kudos to you for getting all that done...and now, kick back with those nifty socks and enjoy the wide screen...(I won't tell Mate--we've been delaying widescreen by having babies and buying yarn...)
At 3:56 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
I would rather pull my own toenails out than move furniture. If you saw my house, you'd realize that this explains a lot! Kudos to you for getting all that done...and now, kick back with those nifty socks and enjoy the wide screen...(I won't tell Mate--we've been delaying widescreen by having babies and buying yarn...)
At 3:56 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
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At 3:56 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
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At 3:57 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
And forgive me for posting 3 times. @#$%ing computer....
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