I finished the western!
Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day. I've got a beautiful feeeeeeling, everything's going my way.
I really do enjoy sunrises. Too bad the poor camera can't pick it all up for you. But then, it would also need audio and olfactory and tactile recordings as well to give you the feel of above-freezing mildness against your skin, and the scent of every blooming thing within twelve blocks, and all the birds waking up and squabbling affectionately in their little nests.
This early-morning light makes the old tool-shed look charming.
And oh, those magnolias! Lush. Sensual. SEXY!!
The early-morning light casts shadows that intrigue Candy no end. She would rather chase shadows than play with the actual fingers. She's the reincarnation of a British lady professor of philosophy. She prefers her ivory tower, thank you.
Japanese quince blooming with zest.
And the edges of the yard are showing grape hyacinths. Ahh, the fragrance of concord!
I have finished the western romance. (YAY!!!) and am going to treat myself with spinning for a few days and maybe even build a quilt before I plunge back into the writing. Would you want to buy a novel titled "Micah and the Married Woman." ? Titles are sooo hard!
I have a pair of knitting needles - size 10 twelve inches long, made of purpleheart, with zebra wood finials. Anyone who can come up with a really attention-grabbing western title wins the prize.
At 8:49 AM ,
margene said...
The publisher will change the name in any case. LOVE the flowers but the magnolia is especially wonderful!
At 9:33 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Aw, Candy and the quilts. That's such a sweet picture. And great lighting.
At 9:47 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
More gorgeous pictures--they look like my morning smelled which is a really good thing...
Hmm... Micah and Mrs.____?
I could do this forever... sometimes the title is my favorite part:-)
At 9:49 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
And (because I was an idiot and forgot to say it before!)
Finishing the book is such a WONDERFUL feeling--I wish you a week of peace at LEAST before your muse starts itching for some action.
At 3:44 PM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
I'll 2nd the Micah & Mrs. ? or if the book is more about her, then Mrs.? and Micah.
At 5:06 PM ,
Pat K said...
I am finally catching up on my Bloglines. (About halfway there, at last count.) You certainly have been busy. A little naughty, too, by the sound - or the words - of it. Your garden pictures are a great antidote for a dreary day down south here.
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