And sew it goes
The two young females have older sisters who requested the far more sophisticated color combo of black and white. I'm working on those. I have a lot of Holstein print cotton. Hard to make it look totally cool and sophisticated, but I'm working on it. Waste not, want not.
These blankies are backed with microfleece. I get the no-sew-throw kits for half price, then back two blankies with them. It keeps the costs down.
Fly likes it when I get out the fabric stash. More places for cats to nest.
And it's Friday. Here's that tree again.
At 9:37 AM ,
LA said...
You are "sew" good! What a wonderful aunty you are!
At 12:06 AM ,
Lisa Nowak said...
I always love the pretty colors you use.Your tree looks cold. Knit it some leaves.
At 10:33 AM ,
A Brit in Tennessee said...
Wow, you are one talented lady !
My daughter quilts, I can knit and do embroidery, that's about it ;)
Kitty is cute all snuggled up in the fabric pieces, they do like odd places don't they !
I went to click your 'followers button' but sadly you don't have one......
Thank you for stopping by my place, I hope to visit back and forth often.
Happy New Year !
At 9:18 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Uhm, yeah. We've been aflicted with the 'Ms. Kitty' virus here. Squish's favorite colors are pink, rose, fuchia, lavender, violet, mauve, pinkish peach, pinkish rose, rose-ish violet, and purple.
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