two women, one sewing machine
. . .and a plan. MJ has a relative who will soon be going through chemo, and she wanted to make him a quilt full of love. So we bought some fabrics with the plan to sew a quilt top in one day. I taught MJ the quickanddirty method of piecing, and in about 6 hrs, with no pattern at all, this is what we produced. Damn, we are good!! Monday we will get together to back and tie it, and she can ship it away. And then, there's all the leftover fabric that wants to get together with our existing stash and make quilts for the orphans. It seams there are many happy sewing hours in our future. (MJ runs the machine, I rip the fabric into strips, then pin it together. And press if there's time, but who cares if there isn't?)
At 5:18 PM ,
Dave Daniels said...
What a great and fun idea!
Another thing you can do with the leftover fabrics is to make chemo caps and fun hats. (And we all know you know all about fun hats!)
Back in the ol' days of Usenet, there was a quilting group, and we'd all make one black, sign it and send them all to someone to have them piece them all together. It was a lot of fun to contribute.
You two are amazing!
At 6:11 PM ,
Rose L said...
cool quilt...makes me think of a piano keyboard!
At 6:11 PM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
Knowing what your quilt means to me every day I know that MJ's relative will be very pleased to get such an awesome gift! You're going to get quite the rep Rox!!
At 6:15 PM ,
Benita said...
What a lovely quilt, and what a thoughtful gift. The hugs that quilt is going to give will be very special, indeed! Kudos!!
At 9:59 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
So much awesome, in such a little time. Me likey!
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