reversible cozy. The Indigo was a great base color, the yarns were fabulous to work with, and I really had more fun than ought to be legal. Here's the side with copper and tan and greens and orange.
And here's the side with shades of cochineal and something that makes a lovely shades of purple. And a scrap of green left over from the other side. Isn't it fun how different colors make that one band of pattern look different?
I had fun finding buttons for the top, too, and got lost in my button stash for a while, looking for just the right ones.
It went out in the mail today, Benita. Keep an eye open for it.
Last, but certainly not least, here is Ben working on his own cozy. He does not appreciate the papparazzi intruding on it.
So on the first work day of the new year, I hopes you all has a cozy to go home to.
At 5:02 PM ,
Lisa Nowak said...
Oooh, pretty colors!
Ben looks so cute.
At 5:09 PM ,
Benita said...
SQUEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it! I don't know which side I like best, so they'll both get used alternately. I have got to learn how to knit Fair Isle.
The purple on the one side is some alkanet root.
Aww.. You did such a pretty job. I may have to take a tea pot to work to have it ready to wear it's new sweater when it arrives. Thank you from the bottom it my heart, Roxie.
At 5:09 PM ,
sophanne said...
I was talking with 4th graders about the cozy today. For some it involved pets and video games for others it was an unending supply of Legos. For me it was a secret glimpse into a kid who is nine.
At 8:07 PM ,
Galad said...
Both sides are beautiful and obviously will be much appreciated :-)
At 8:34 PM ,
JulieLoves2Knit said...
The cozy is beautiful - much more impressive than my hat!!!
At 9:04 PM ,
ivyjteo said...
Your beautiful knitting bring back so many memories as a child sitting at my mothers knee.
As for Ben he looks so cosy SMILEEEE.
At 11:23 PM ,
Rose L said...
Before I started reading I thought they were hats and thought, "how colorful and pretty!"
Love all the colors, especially the blue with pink--two of my favorite colors
At 1:32 AM ,
Janette said...
The cozy is wonderful! You are a clever girl :)
Ben is one handsome boy. Love the baskets you have around for the kitties.
At 5:24 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Nice job on the cozies.
At 5:42 AM ,
LA said...
The cosy is a work of art! I know that Benita will love using it.
At 5:51 AM ,
Dave Daniels said...
Ben is SO adorable. SUCH the cutie.
And that first hat/cozy is fantastic. LOVE the bright colors. It would make a colorful hat, just right for a snow ball fight. Or, for keeping a tea pot warm and cozy.
At 7:10 AM ,
Heide said...
Benny is adorable! Your colorwork is amazing! I especially love the colors of the side in the top picture.
At 1:30 PM ,
Rose L said...
I just have to tell you one more thing...the way you started this blog post "Benita is dying and selling yarn," I first took as saying she is dying, and selling yarn. I thought Oh Poor Benita! How sad. She is dying....
Glad her yarn is the only thing dying!
At 11:55 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
Oh, purty-- and Ben looks so cozy... he can afford a little paparazzi coverage, because he's just so handsome, it was bound to happen!
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