This was the weekend when all the trees went green. Friday I remember the hills being covered in grey twiggery, and today, it's like a green mist has settled over everything. We have a weeping birch. Saturday morning, it had were tiny wee leaves the size of a mouse's ear. Today, they're an inch long. The apple blossoms are being covered over with leaves. The willows are drizzling emerald the length of their branches. Hawthornes? Spang! Full cover overnight. And our unpruned roses are rioting in new foliage. And I slept through it. I took Nyquill every four hours for 24 hours and I feel much better now. I can breathe through my nose, I can walk through the house without needing to stop and catch my breath, I can sleep through the night without being shaken awake with racking coughing spasms. Sleep is SOOOO goood! But I came to consciousness this morning and it was to a whole new world. It's raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock, but that's the valley for you, and the trees love it!
Bucky did a fine job on the reporting. And I am so grateful for the offers to show Lulu around. Let me get to work on a schedule. When would it be good for her to come and visit you? Heide, I know she'd love to see Mt. St. Helens, and Linda, I'm sure you could show her a good time. Donna, she will of course come to visit you on the east coast. she's a travelin' lamb!
Bucky did a fine job on the reporting. And I am so grateful for the offers to show Lulu around. Let me get to work on a schedule. When would it be good for her to come and visit you? Heide, I know she'd love to see Mt. St. Helens, and Linda, I'm sure you could show her a good time. Donna, she will of course come to visit you on the east coast. she's a travelin' lamb!
At 10:57 AM ,
Alwen said...
It's amazing how fast the greening-up happens once it gets going.
Our trees are supposed to get a little near-70 F weather later this week. It's a nervous time for the fruit farmers: the warm weather tricks the buds into breaking, then a frost can freeze them off.
At 2:44 PM ,
Lisa Nowak said...
The trees are gorgeous, though I started noticing them going green last Sunday. Some of them do seem to burst into leaf overnight, don't they? I love the energy this time of year.
At 5:22 PM ,
Willow said...
If you think Miss Lulu would like LaLaLand, she is of course welcome here, according to Eleanor Elizabeth.
Oh oh, who is going to live on that Sauvie Island farm now??? Me! Me! I WISH!
At 7:45 PM ,
Pat Lichen said...
Hallie says she would be happy to introduce your lambies to high schoolers (if they are brave enough),
At 10:39 PM ,
Galad said...
Glad you are starting to feel better and are getting sleep.
At 12:02 AM ,
Denise said...
Very glad to hear you're starting to feel better, boy, you sure were knocked around by those viruses + travel - never a good combo.
Sorry I haven't been by your blog for a bit, not feeling that well myself lately >.<
I hope Lulu gets to visit a lot of places!!
At 9:08 AM ,
Donna Lee said...
I'm glad you're not hacking up vital organs any more and I would be glad to show Miss Lulu a good time. Any time. If you like, she can visit here before she wends her way back home and I'll see to it she gets a comfortable ride back. (courtesy of the usps, although I'd really like to accompany her!)
At 4:33 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Glad to know you're feeling better. It really sucks to be sick during the spring time.
At 5:28 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Yup... it's mustard flower season over here... pretty pretty spring...
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