Catching up to myself
One of the things that the change in seasons engenders in me is the urge to inventory and organize. Cleaning out files today brought up the Brilliante Weblog award that Willow awarded to me. I have tried and tried, and am unable to post the button to my blog, but it was such a sweet honor that I couldn't just leave it there, so I am going with the text of the thing, if not the pictures.
Here are the rules for accepting and passing on the award.
1. Please put the logo on your blog. (or not if you're a gormless sheepbiter when it comes to computer stuff.)
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you. (see above)
3. You must nominate 7 fellow bloggers for this award. (Anyone out there interested in the nomination? After an excess of LOL cats, any nomming sounds yummy)
4. Add links to the recipients. (see #1)
5. Leave a comment so the recipients know they have received an award. (See #3)
6. Write an acceptance speech in the style of the Academy Awards, thanking everybody's mother, father, sister, brother, aunties and uncles and kitchen staff at your favorite restaurant! OR write 6 random facts about yourself.
OK, acceptance speech. THIS I can do.
None of this would have been possible without the patient and implacable encouragement of my Darling Husband, and good as I am with words, there are none that fully encompass my gratitude and joy in his company. He is the one who led, coaxed, nudged, cajoled and occasionally tripped and shoved me into computer use and eventual ownership. He is the one who keeps our computers clean and updated, and he it is who insisted that I get my own laptop, and rejoiced in my happy play with it. All I have is yours, Beloved, up to and including my life and sacred honor.
Of course, I could not be blogging were it not for the continual assistance of Lucia (rhymeswithfuschia) who managed to explain the process in tiny baby steps, using gentle words of one syllable. We met on a knitting bulletin board, and have been fast friends ever since. Lucia, good luck and much happiness to your arm of the galaxy, and thank you for your constant friendship!
I followed the lead of Janette in Sydney, and though she bloggeth little lately, she still warms my heart and makes me smile inordinately. Thank you Janette!
Shannon, Linda, Lyssa, Dave the wonder weaver, Tara, Tamara and other lurkers, and everyone else who drops by to read and comment, thank you! Thank you for caring,for sharing my life, and for inviting me into yours. I think you ALL deserve awards, hugs, cookies and kisses on the nose. And some day, maybe I can deliver them to you personally. Hugs and great round love to you all.
OK, 6 weird things about me.
1.I'm frequently the tallest person in the room. Is this weird?
2.I carried a piece of brass shellcasing in my shin for 15 years. My twin brother threw a bullet into the fireplace when we were roasting hot-dogs, and when it exploded, I caught a piece. No one could see anything in the wound, so they left it. It scarred into a weird lump. When I turned 18, it started hurting in the cold, or when I walked a lot. I went to the doctor who thought I was being a bit hypochondriacal until he took x-rays. He was amazed to actually see a bit of brass in my leg. It was neatly enclosed in a tough little cyst like a soft pearl.
3. My shortest paying job was one night as closing dishwasher. I left a note saying, "I don't like this. It's creepy to be here alone." They mailed me a paycheck for 8 hours and thanked me for giving it a try.
4. I used to be able to sing tenor, alto and soprano (but not at the same time) I'm out of practice and have lost a few notes off both ends of the range. No longer a full three octaves.
5.Fresh oranges give me hives. Clementines don't.
6.I can fall asleep floating on my back in the ocean.
Remember our unofficial city motto: Keep Portland Weird!
Here are the rules for accepting and passing on the award.
1. Please put the logo on your blog. (or not if you're a gormless sheepbiter when it comes to computer stuff.)
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you. (see above)
3. You must nominate 7 fellow bloggers for this award. (Anyone out there interested in the nomination? After an excess of LOL cats, any nomming sounds yummy)
4. Add links to the recipients. (see #1)
5. Leave a comment so the recipients know they have received an award. (See #3)
6. Write an acceptance speech in the style of the Academy Awards, thanking everybody's mother, father, sister, brother, aunties and uncles and kitchen staff at your favorite restaurant! OR write 6 random facts about yourself.
OK, acceptance speech. THIS I can do.
None of this would have been possible without the patient and implacable encouragement of my Darling Husband, and good as I am with words, there are none that fully encompass my gratitude and joy in his company. He is the one who led, coaxed, nudged, cajoled and occasionally tripped and shoved me into computer use and eventual ownership. He is the one who keeps our computers clean and updated, and he it is who insisted that I get my own laptop, and rejoiced in my happy play with it. All I have is yours, Beloved, up to and including my life and sacred honor.
Of course, I could not be blogging were it not for the continual assistance of Lucia (rhymeswithfuschia) who managed to explain the process in tiny baby steps, using gentle words of one syllable. We met on a knitting bulletin board, and have been fast friends ever since. Lucia, good luck and much happiness to your arm of the galaxy, and thank you for your constant friendship!
I followed the lead of Janette in Sydney, and though she bloggeth little lately, she still warms my heart and makes me smile inordinately. Thank you Janette!
Shannon, Linda, Lyssa, Dave the wonder weaver, Tara, Tamara and other lurkers, and everyone else who drops by to read and comment, thank you! Thank you for caring,for sharing my life, and for inviting me into yours. I think you ALL deserve awards, hugs, cookies and kisses on the nose. And some day, maybe I can deliver them to you personally. Hugs and great round love to you all.
OK, 6 weird things about me.
1.I'm frequently the tallest person in the room. Is this weird?
2.I carried a piece of brass shellcasing in my shin for 15 years. My twin brother threw a bullet into the fireplace when we were roasting hot-dogs, and when it exploded, I caught a piece. No one could see anything in the wound, so they left it. It scarred into a weird lump. When I turned 18, it started hurting in the cold, or when I walked a lot. I went to the doctor who thought I was being a bit hypochondriacal until he took x-rays. He was amazed to actually see a bit of brass in my leg. It was neatly enclosed in a tough little cyst like a soft pearl.
3. My shortest paying job was one night as closing dishwasher. I left a note saying, "I don't like this. It's creepy to be here alone." They mailed me a paycheck for 8 hours and thanked me for giving it a try.
4. I used to be able to sing tenor, alto and soprano (but not at the same time) I'm out of practice and have lost a few notes off both ends of the range. No longer a full three octaves.
5.Fresh oranges give me hives. Clementines don't.
6.I can fall asleep floating on my back in the ocean.
Remember our unofficial city motto: Keep Portland Weird!
At 2:19 PM ,
Lyssa said...
Lovely speech :)
I miss the season changing part since moving to LA. The first couple of years it didn't bug me so much, but this year I'm really craving some crisp fall air.
At 4:55 PM ,
Donna Lee said...
I think I should live in Portland because people are always telling me I'm weird! I'm the shortest person in my family and often one of the shortest people in the room. I've gotten used to that. Although, I think of myself as tall and willowy (in my mind's eye I am anyway).
At 4:55 PM ,
Donna Lee said...
I think I should live in Portland because people are always telling me I'm weird! I'm the shortest person in my family and often one of the shortest people in the room. I've gotten used to that. Although, I think of myself as tall and willowy (in my mind's eye I am anyway).
At 9:27 AM ,
Galad said...
What a gracious acceptance speech for an award so deserved :-)
At 12:04 PM ,
Lucia said...
Thank you, thank you, right back atcha, my friend. I just nudged you gently, only to be amazed at your wingspan when you took off.
(I can help with links if you want...)
At 12:04 PM ,
Lucia said...
Thank you, thank you, right back atcha, my friend. I just nudged you gently, only to be amazed at your wingspan when you took off.
(I can help with links if you want...)
At 7:07 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Roxie, it's not a good week if I don't read about your weird, wonderful, beautiful perspective. Plumb just doesn't look the same now that I've lived a few years half-a-bubble off:-)
(I worked four days in a bank once as a temp. They didn't want me back--I talked too much:-)
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