Sanna's Bag

“I never seem to have what I need when I need it. I’m going to make a belt-bag that’s bigger on the inside than on the outside, and just carry everything with me.”

Friday, January 04, 2008

It's always better with a kitty

Here's a picture of the colorblock mittens and scarf for our wonderful, patient accountant. I am using a wonderful wine-bottle gift-bag to carry the scarf project.
You may notice bits and pieces of helpful kitty. He knows how to improve a blog, even if I don't.
There, isn't that better?

Yesterday, I got a wild hair and decided to take down the Christmas decor. For us, it's not that big a deal. I know there are people who do the whole house, even unto reindeer in the bathroom and garland twined 'round the pot rack. These are people who get a big case of Christmas spirits every year. In our house, a fifth of spirits is about all we can handle at any one time, Christmas or not. So there wasn't all that much to take down, though, of course, things do tend to grow. I keep adding animals to the creche for one thing. The original set of olivewood included a camel, a donkey, a cow, and two sheep. I have added two little ceramic cats, and a plastic cow that poops jellybeans, joined this year by a plastic sheep that poops jellybeans. Guess I could use a little plastic angel that poops - - is that irreligious? Is irreligious a word?

Anyhow, I got the tree undressed and dragged out with only minor damage done to hands and face (Trying to drag a well-opened tree through a door that is somehow smaller than it was when I brought the damn tree in, without spilling all the leftover water out of the stand leaves me prone to lead with my face when it comes to branches whipping back from being scraped through the opening.) And I got all the ornaments carefully wrapped and stashed and dragged back up to the attic (and gravity is NOT my friend when it comes to manuvering things up that narrow wobbly ladder) and having swept up all the needles except for the ones that the fur-faces have carefully stashed to drag out when it will be most likely to embarass,I felt entitled to veg for the rest of the day. DH, however, came home with a yen to hit the gym, and this, by golly, will be encouraged, so by the time we got home from there (and wuss that I am, all I did was 20 min on the treadmill at 4 mph)I sat down on the sofa and fell asleep.

Which is why I skipped blogging yesterday. Not that I have committed to daily blogstration or anything. When does your decor come down?


  • At 1:48 PM , Blogger Lyssa said...

    Decor? What decor?

    I used to do more holiday decorations before the move to LA, mostly bringing in fresh greenery from the copious supplies outside the door, cutting our own tree at the tree farm down the road, etc. Since the move, all my ornaments are still in storage and I haven't quite wrapped my mind around the urban christmas spirit. Though I was tempted to get a gigantic tree just because we have such high ceilings now...

  • At 1:49 PM , Blogger Tara said...

    My decorations usually come down about a week after Christmas. I don't like the reminder that the fun is over...

  • At 3:27 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Kitties do make just about everything better!!

  • At 11:46 PM , Blogger JulieLoves2Knit said...

    I hate taking down Christmas - I had it everywhere - so now the house looks empty! All came down on New Years Day - early for me, but the Boy Scouts want the tree out front on Saturday and working just gets in the way...sad to see it all go because one of the big reasons I bought this house was because I could have a huge tree - and we do!!

  • At 5:50 AM , Blogger Willow said...

    We took everything down on the 1st and I packed it up on the 2nd because we didn't want to come home the night of the 5th and have either a very dry tree or burned down house.

  • At 11:04 AM , Blogger Paul said...

    The only decorating I do is the tree, and it's artificial, so getting around to taking it down can be prolonged well into, let's say... MAY!

    Good for you for getting to the gym. I need to figure out when to do that as well...

  • At 4:23 PM , Blogger Warrior Knitter said...

    Except for the treadmill part, that's MY kind of exercising!

  • At 4:24 PM , Blogger Warrior Knitter said...

    Oh, and our fiber optic Christmas tree and fake door wreath will come down Sunday sometime.

  • At 10:33 PM , Blogger Amy Lane said...

    I aim for Jan. 1st, and this year succeeded. (Mostly because the living room is just too damned small with four adult sized humans and two pint-sized humans filling it up with their stuff:-) You're right, dearest--every blog is better with kitties! (I have had the occasional tree that threatened to be a brown posy for valentines day, but hopefully we're more civilized than that for now:-)


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