trying to link
No pictures for this post. Instead, I am girding my loins and bravely going where everyone has gone before, and figuring how to get a link for my book onto my web site. Thanks be to MonicaPDX for pointing out that blogspot has a help section. How dumb can I be? No - it's not lack of inteligence. It's lack of knowledge. I don't even know what questions to ask or who to ask them of. I used to get on the knitting b-boards and people kept asking the same completely basic questions over and over every week. (What is a purl and how do I do it?) Of course it was a different person every time, but it slowly drove me nuts. And here I am, asking equally basic questions. Blessings on the patience of all of you!
My book is Sanna, Sorceress Apprentice - available from Authorhouse Press for $11.95 plus shipping and handling. That shipping stuff gets wildly expensive when going overseas. It's also available from Amazon for 15.95 and shipping is a lot more reasonable for overseas.
It's about 15 year-old Sanna who is sent from her rustic mountain village to attend the Thon Academy of Magic for Young Ladies of Exceptional Talent. Sanna definitely has exceptional talent - all tied in to the fiber arts. she can knit waterproof hats, and she can knit together broken bones. She can re-embroider damaged nerves, and she manages to embroider a bag that's bigger on the inside than on the outside. She uses this bag to rescue a handsome slave from a fate worse than death. They fall in love at first sight, touch, kiss, and when he leaves Thon to return to his home, he promises to return for her.
Sanna was raised around her father's racing stable with her six older brothers, which makes it difficult to fit in with the elegant Young Ladies of the Thon Academy. Oh, and she managed to tick off an evil renegade sorcerer who is out for vengence.
Anne McCaffrey (yes, THE Anne McCaffrey) said "It's a great book . . funny, well written, with great plot and characters. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it."
I've had it shown to the big presses, and they all enjoyed it, but they say that it isn't dark and serious enough for the current market. So if you would like a sweet romp with lots of fiber magic, and a pattern for self-heating mittens, buy my book. Heck, buy two and give one to a knitting friend!
I have started production of Sanna and the Dragons and hope to bring it out before Christmas. Sanna meets Dauntless Swiftsure has been written and is waiting till I can afford to print. And Sanna Goes South is fermenting in the back of my yeasty brain. And there may be more to come. We'll just have to see.
Much later, after brain-busting agony (I am NOT a detail person! I am a big concept person!) Look at the sidebar!
My book is Sanna, Sorceress Apprentice - available from Authorhouse Press for $11.95 plus shipping and handling. That shipping stuff gets wildly expensive when going overseas. It's also available from Amazon for 15.95 and shipping is a lot more reasonable for overseas.
It's about 15 year-old Sanna who is sent from her rustic mountain village to attend the Thon Academy of Magic for Young Ladies of Exceptional Talent. Sanna definitely has exceptional talent - all tied in to the fiber arts. she can knit waterproof hats, and she can knit together broken bones. She can re-embroider damaged nerves, and she manages to embroider a bag that's bigger on the inside than on the outside. She uses this bag to rescue a handsome slave from a fate worse than death. They fall in love at first sight, touch, kiss, and when he leaves Thon to return to his home, he promises to return for her.
Sanna was raised around her father's racing stable with her six older brothers, which makes it difficult to fit in with the elegant Young Ladies of the Thon Academy. Oh, and she managed to tick off an evil renegade sorcerer who is out for vengence.
Anne McCaffrey (yes, THE Anne McCaffrey) said "It's a great book . . funny, well written, with great plot and characters. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it."
I've had it shown to the big presses, and they all enjoyed it, but they say that it isn't dark and serious enough for the current market. So if you would like a sweet romp with lots of fiber magic, and a pattern for self-heating mittens, buy my book. Heck, buy two and give one to a knitting friend!
I have started production of Sanna and the Dragons and hope to bring it out before Christmas. Sanna meets Dauntless Swiftsure has been written and is waiting till I can afford to print. And Sanna Goes South is fermenting in the back of my yeasty brain. And there may be more to come. We'll just have to see.
Much later, after brain-busting agony (I am NOT a detail person! I am a big concept person!) Look at the sidebar!
At 4:38 PM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
That's what keeps me from updating to the "new Blogger" - having to re-do my sidebar!! Just the thought of it nearly sends me into the fetal position.
At 4:45 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Yyyyyeeeeaaaahhhh!!! Let's get Sanna some much needed attention... she's a great girl and needs some play!!! (Okay, well, she gets play...she needs to be allowed to come out and play...)
I'm glad you've got your sidebar!!! (I had to have Mate do're not lacking intelligence...just connections:-) Don't forget to use Amazon...I put you on a list--you need more of those!!! (There's also a thread in the Fantasy discussions about self-published authors...go with the teenage boys who try to dominate the chat...enjoy yourself!!!) SANNA WILL TRIUMPH!
At 9:24 PM ,
Pat K said...
I'm not doing a lot with Blogger, either, because I don't think I could stand to redo everything right now. And I'm too comfortable with the way things are on the blog right now anyways. Even if I haven't updated the sidebar for a while. But I certainly appreciate the effort that goes into making the blogpage work.
So everything needs to be "dark" these days?? I may have been born in the wrong century...
At 10:10 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Yay on the sidebar! Also congrats on joining the PDX Knit Bloggers! And pish tosh on not dark enough. Grief. Wherever did people get the idea kids don't like variety in their reading? ::muttermutter:: Sanna sounds like a wonderful character; I'm going to be tracking her down. ;)
As to links - by now you may have noticed there's a bit of a problem with the links in the post...? Somehow they just got underlined, not turned into links. Do not despair; sometime in the depths of night I'll send you a note on how to fix. (Ok, I lie; it'll probably be a huge email, the way I go on, but you know. [g]) It's just a little wobble, that's all. You should be able to go back and edit the post to fix 'em. Or post another with corrected code. Whatever drives you less insane. ;)
As to finding Blogspot's help section - hey, they seem to positively hide it! What they should be doing is putting it up in big, fat type where you can't miss it, but no... You need to go dowsing. Nothing like confusing and intimidating people. Oy. Anyway, expect some mail in the morning, with a hopefully clearcut explanation. ;) And good on ya for bravely diving in, screaming or not! [g]
At 10:31 PM ,
Willow said...
My copy of Sanna, which I asked for and received for Christmas from dh, is currently in Chula Vista with Mia. I can't wait for the next book to come out! What crazy thing is Sanna going to do next?
At 1:39 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Rats - Roxie, I forgot, Yahoo won't let you mail direct to people. The list is set up not to allow file attachments, and to explain the link thing, I need to send a Notepad file so the HTML code won't...well, appear in HTML. ;) In a text file you can see the invisible code, and I can show you - briefly! well, sorta, LOL - what went wrong. And how it should look.
So if you'd kindly email me at monicapdx at livejournal daht com, that'll get forwarded to my real email. Then I can email back and send the text attachment, and you won't have to be reading horrendously long comments from me about the techy bits of blogging. [g]
Are we going around in circles yet??
At 6:31 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I LOVE the book. It's my second time through. Now I want to read MORE adventures.
Even a simple Google search will turn up lots of links:
And Author House has it here:
At 1:04 AM ,
Denise said...
Fantastic to hear about your book, and the sequel - must try to get a copy. Very impressed at the recommendation from THE Anne McCaffrey, wow...
I'm really bemused by the publisher's comments about how it isn't "dark and serious enough for the current market" ... an interesting comment on These Times We Live In? The Youth of Today? (my teenagers HATE being called 'Youths') ... It's sad that a light-hearted story such as Sanna's can't find a market with the established publishers.
At 7:01 AM ,
Flea-Bites said...
Sanna arrived in my postbox this week and I'm loving her - where do you get your imagination from? I wish I had her bag - perhaps you could knit me a virtual one? I'll have to send you a lock of my hair.
I think you've done a great job and I look forward to the sequels.
I ordered mine through Amazon because of the postage cost to Australia - it arrived in good time, and well packaged. I thought afterwards, it might be good for others to order through Amazon as it might raise your profile if they get a number of requests for it.
At 9:27 AM ,
Mama Mia said...
My mum let me read her copy and I couldn't put it down. A delightful story and entertaining, witty dialogue (of course)!! Well done, Roxie. :o)
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