The old pro weaves - chpt.2
Chapter two, tieing on the warp.
So you have threaded the loom with the dummy warp. Now take two sticks that are longer than your loom is deep and rest your reed on them as shown. do you have a reed hook? It will help a lot. If you don't have a reed hook, find a crochet hook that is small enough to go through your reed.
This is a ten dent reed. that means there are ten spaces per inch. I am going to weave fabric with 20 threads per inch in the warp, so I will put two threads per space . Measure your reed, figure where the right edge of your warp will start and begin pulling the wrap through the reed. See my crochet hook sticking up on the right side?
Now see where the warp has been pulled through?
Agaiin, tie a slip knot every ten threads to help keep track of where you are and to prevent accidental pull outs. (Like when dear little kittens want to know what you are doing, so they jump onto the warp to watch.)
Tie your dummy warp onto the front beam. I am doing a solid warp, so no need to set up a pattern. I'll show you haw to set a pattern when I tie on the next warp.

Working left to right, pick athread from the first dent of the dummy warp, and tie on your warp thread (Direct from the cone.) Take the end of your warp thread between thumb and forefinger of the left hand, pluck out a thread from your dummy warp with the right hand, put dummy warp and real warp ends together and roll them around your finger to make a knot, just like you make a knot in the end of your sewing thread.
The whole point of a dummy warp is that crosses don't matter. There is no pattern set up yet, so there is no way to get it wrong.
Working left to right, pick athread from the first dent of the dummy warp, and tie on your warp thread (Direct from the cone.) Take the end of your warp thread between thumb and forefinger of the left hand, pluck out a thread from your dummy warp with the right hand, put dummy warp and real warp ends together and roll them around your finger to make a knot, just like you make a knot in the end of your sewing thread.
Again, you will use your loom as a warping board. My loom is a meter wide. With my left hand I pull the warp thread to the left of the castle(where the rolling counter-balence beam lives), switch hands, across the back and around the right side of the castle, across to the left side of the breast beam, switching back to the left hand as I swing, across over the right side of the breast beam, again switching hands, and break it off at a comfortable reach behind me. This gives me a three meter warp with an extra 30 inches for loom waste. If you are using yarn that does not break easily in one hand, then by all means, use a pair of clippers.
Every twenty dents, I chain the warp up and throw it over the beater to get it out of the way.
I'm out of shape, and this warping process can be hard on your shoulders, so I tied on half the warp in one day and will finish the second half the second day. And then, . . .
Tomorrow, rolling the warp onto the back beam. (Get a wide-toothed comb and a long, flat shuttle.)
If you have any questions, please shout 'em out. This is like a centipede walking. I've done it so much that most of it is unconscious. I'm bound to forget to tell you something.
And talking it through is not the same as live action, so stuff will slip between the cracks. There are no dumb questions.
And talking it through is not the same as live action, so stuff will slip between the cracks. There are no dumb questions.
At 11:35 AM ,
Warrior Knitter said...
Dumb non-weaver question: Where do you get the fiber? strings? for the dummy warp.
My eyes are too closed!!
At 12:05 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I understand what you are doing, but I've never seen or heard of using a dummy warp before. I've just seen regular warping with the warp fiber/thread/string. And you're doing *20* per inch???
At 12:32 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Where did you learn? Who taught you? What fascinated you about it? (Besides, like folklore, stories, and the magic of creation...was there anything else?)
Seriously--what an amazing craft...and we haven't even started throwing the shuttle around...
At 1:20 PM ,
Anonymous said...
No cross to keep? (Turns bright green with envy, while remembering a 21-yard warp for 3 ruanas, with 276 ends that we had to measure out using a big warping board and the coathooks at the other end of a hallway...and return. To make one (1) end. While remembering to make the bloody cross. 276 times.)
I think I may faint...
And I am definitely printing these posts off for future reference and my own edification. I'll need 'em when I manage to make enough room that I can pull out my little 36" 4-harness loom that's been languishing in the closet. I may finally get some inspiration, here. Thanks! Especially for the nice, clickable large photos!
At 4:04 AM ,
Bells said...
Good lord. What a fascinating series! Looking forward to part 3! I can't say I'll never do this, but I think the chances are low, so I am very happy to watch and admire.
At 5:11 AM ,
Denise said...
Wow, how totally fascinating and COMPLICATED - I'm in awe! Amazing. Looking forward to Part 3!
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