Happy first of June!
Since it IS Rose season, here are a few of our roses.
This one is called, "Double Delight." Quite hardy and quite fragrant. AND. it gets pink in the sun. A shady week gives us cream and yellow blooms.
Apologies to Lucia: I'm channeling my inner Georgia O'Keef again. Calla Lillies are so - willing.
And honest to Gosh, this pansy wintered over and is as leggy as a fifteen-year old boy just starting a growth spurt. But it's so YELLOW!!
Yesterday, it got up to 89. I took old three-legged Jack and a rough draft of a book written by a friend, and settled myself in the sling chair. Jack soon hopped out and made himself a nice nest in the ivy beside me, Fly mooched up, hopped into the sling chair with me, and sprawled across my chest with no regard for the tender bits. Once I got him settled more comfortably, he purred out piles of his patented sleepy sand (We don't have a sand man. We have sand cats.) and pretty much burried me for the rest of the afternoon. Which was a good thing, because I stayed up to watch the new "Pirates" reality show. OK, I'm a sucker for these adventure reality shows. The first guy thrown off the boat calls himself a "Scientist / Exotic Dancer." for starters, no one is just a scientist. Every scientist is a specialist. Be he micro-hydro-bio-palentologist (a very small scientist who likes old wet lettuce) or a nuclear physicist, he has a specialty. And an Exotic Dancer? Well, he had the looks for it, I can't deny. Like a black-haired young Fabio. But what a jerk!
On other fronts, check out http://whatswaniettaknittingtoday.blogspot.com to see pictures of the Toronto Spiders and their astounding back-to-back sweater!
And then check out how many people have your name at how/'>http://howmanyofme.com . There are five Roxanna Matthews in the US, and if you google the name, I'm the one who comes up!
At 8:34 AM ,
margene said...
The roses are beautiful!!!!
At 9:01 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I took the kids to Portland on Wednesday and Thursday (appointments at OHSU). It was just glorious! I was so disappointed we had to get back here in Bend at a certain time yesterday because we were staying at the Riverplace hotel and found out the tall ships were coming in! I hope we can plan better for next year. We did get a few minutes at the Rose Test garden and it was beautiful. I'll post some of those rose photos soon.
At 12:18 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Ah...more flower porn... good, I've got a great 'almost' scene coming up, and flower porn puts you in the mood for the great 'not quite'...
Enjoy the festival...such pretty roses--I've always called them 'sunset roses' because that's what they look like--a sunset!
At 2:29 PM ,
Lucia said...
And you are apologizing for this why, exactly? Look how nicely you spurred Amy's creative urges.
At 3:46 PM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
The sweater won't win any prizes for good looks, that's for sure!!
The one that we knit that day is down in front with us. The one hanging at the back is the won that we knit last year - it's been seamed nicely & washed - hence the lovely cream colour! The striping on the newly knit one is more obvious, but it should wash out pretty much the same.
P.S. - I need your address to send you the LL yarn darlin'.
At 5:04 PM ,
Warrior Knitter said...
I've been hearing about your hot weather on the news. I think our part of the country has borrowed your weather. We've been basking in mid to high 70's and a shower every day for a couple of weeks now. I don't want to give it back.
Your flower photos are great. I can almost feel the softness of the petals and lose myself in the fragrance.
At 6:39 PM ,
Norma said...
The roses are gorgeous, and now I feel like a fraud... Hee. I just wrote my entry for tomorrow, and wait 'til you see it. I won't tell you now. I'll just post it and let you tell me I'm a copycat, but I swear I'm not. :D
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