a little cross-pollinating at the washcloth bush
For fun, I crossed some garter-stitch domino knitting with a quilt square. Makes for an interesting and mostly mindless washcloth.
The purple washcloth turned out so much prettier than I had any reason to hope it might. I grabbed two balls of yarn at random, with my eyes closed, working on the theory that if it was ugly, I could rip it. The thin multi-colored weaving scrap yarn didn't look like it would go with the purple. but it did! It did!
I took the anti-lace scarf to Teresa on Tuesday and she gave me two skeins of bamboo yarn for my troubles. It's pastel pinkish/greyish/bluish yarn and has my name all over it. (Teresa usually likes to work with more saturated colors. She was trying to get black/white/grey yarn, but black dye is evidently very tricky stuff. I'm more than happy to take the unsuccessful experiment!!) I'll try to get some decent pictures today, because it's subtle, way cool, and very hard to photograph in artificial light. Teresa told me that the bamboo loves to be steamed and pressed. It gets flat and shiney. So something in stockinette. Hmmmm. . . .
And, lest I get bored, Teresa gave me a small skein of lycra and cotton yarn that will make killer socks!! Better yet, since it's a sample, I won't have to make the dreaded second sock! Ohhh, life is good.
The day has dawned with clear skies and roses blooming. At nine I get to talk to a local book store owner about leaving a few copies of my book in a real store. At noon, Writer's group up at the college. In between - errands and errands and more errands. Today I have time, but not much money. It's a balancing act, isn't it?
Check out Dave's neat new book at http://www.cabincove.com/ What a marvelous thing to do with your photos!!
At 5:47 PM ,
Warrior Knitter said...
I must be one of your most dense readers. I didn't know you already had a book out. I've found "Sanna, Sorceress" website. I read the blurb and the excerpts and it looks like something I'd like to read. My first book-love is fantasy.
You should put a link in your side bar. Well, Borders, here I come. If they don't have it I'll order it. I've noticed that when I order knitting books that aren't on their shelves a couple of copies somehow seem to show up a few weeks later. I'll let you know what I find.
At 9:25 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Yes-- you should DEFINITELY put a link in your sidebar because your book is wonderful--sweet, exciting, and terribly fun. I'm bummed that my health has gotten in the way of my reading your other book...my whole day is a balancing act of what I've got enough energy to do...and what I want to do is find out how Micah and Miz Susan end up together at the end!!!
At 3:06 AM ,
Flea-Bites said...
Do put a link in your side bar, Roxie - I'll buy a copy! I have tagged you for a meme - let me know if you want me to remove your name.
At 8:53 AM ,
Willow said...
My copy has gone to live at Mia's house for awhile. Your day sounds like the perfect day, well, except for the errands.
At 12:45 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Ok, so I'm a few days late to the party here. YES, you should have a link. I don't see a link. Why isn't there a link? You can write books, but not a little link?????
I want a link right over there--->
We gotta get you set up with your own online store, sweetie. MUST DO IT!
By the way, I'm reading your book for the second time, and it's better than the first time. So many details I hadn't noticed the first time around.
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