Oh My gosh! this is post 301!
I really want to reduce the satsh, because Black Sheep Fiber show is coming to Eugene soon, and I won't go if I have too big a stash. Anyone want to drive to Eugene with me?
Right now, there are two scrub Jays pulling the coconut fiber out of my hanging baskets to use for nesting material. Those baskets will look pretty ratty in a few weeks if this keeps up. Oh well, everyone needs to live somewhere. And if I don't water those fuschias, the baskets will look pretty ratty regardless of the jay's depredations.
DH has just been diagnosed with diabetes. He bought the book, Diabetes for Dummies. I'm going to sit and read it over for the first time today. I imagine we'll be going over it several times in the next few years. Thank God for modern medicine!!
I know lots of folks are living healthy, happy lives in spite of their diabetes. Anyone want to chime in with words of wisdom and advice? This is going to mean a lifestyle change for us. Fewer slug-like weekend mornings lolling in our warm comfy bed, more dragging our lazy, dead-possum carcasses out for walks and healthy breakfasts. Fewer margaritas, rumballs, and glasses of wine. Has anyone tried cooking with Splenda or the other sugar substitutes?
OK, all you young people! Your strong, healthy, energentic body is just a loaner. Enjoy it while you can because Father Time and Mother Nature are gonna re-posess it before you know it. Dance before your knees get creaky. Try new food while you can still digest it. Hug your loved ones while they are still handy. The longer you live, the more you lose.
Of course, living longer brings certain benefits as well. You learn to quit worrying what other people think. You start to learn which things are changable and which aren't. You get a sense of when you should cut and run and when you should stick it out regardless. You have friendships that have lasted years. You quit spending all day in three-inch heels and your back thanks you. When you have introduced some young man to some young woman, attended their wedding, baby-sat their kids, gone to the kids' weddings, and are now knitting tiny garments for the children of your friend's children, you get a certain mellow perspective on life.
By living through hard times in your life, you learn that you are much stronger than you ever thought you were, and that the worst that could possibly happen rarely does, so don't waste time getting all wrouoght up about it. Even if the worst does happen, you can take it.
When was the last time I wept my heart out over something? I remember a ninety solid minute sobbing spell when some caddish guy broke my heart, but that was decades ago. My heart is much bigger and far more resiliant now.
I may have lost my tight, strong, limber body, but I have gained some kick-ass memories. I'm gonna be a decrepit, story-filled, opinionated crone in about thirty years. Think I'm free with my suggestions now? Just you wait! By the time I'm ready to die, I may have figured out this whole thing about how one should live.
At 8:37 AM ,
margene said...
I figure the longer you live the more you can speak your mind! That alone is worth going through the aging process...almost;-)
At 10:04 AM ,
Willow said...
And wear purple.
And learn to spit.
Diabetes is managable if you exercise enough and appropriately and if you watch your diet.
My two paternal uncles were diabetic although my dad wasn't. It is in my family and I'm aware of it. That's why I fight the constant sugar and carb battle.
At 12:32 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Re: Diabetes- I have a few friends who have Type I and don't have too may problems. My father and one uncle have Type II, and they have it worse- mostly because they don't want to make the lifestyle changes necessary.
One of my friends has been diagnosed as "pre-diabetic" and the way she manages it is to eat a small meal every 4 hours, and to always balance carbs with protien.
Watch out for the carbs in natural sugars.
As for cooking with splenda, I don't like doing it. But it is possible to bake with it. The ratio another friend worked out is to use half splenda half regular sugar.
You & your DH will be fine- you already have the right attitude :)
At 2:58 PM ,
Lyssa said...
My father in law was diagnosed with type II a couple of years ago, and I think it was the best thing that could have happened to him. It got him motivated to eat better and lose some weight. That weight lose meant he could cut back on his blood pressure meds, and his sleep apnea went away too. It was only about 20 pounds lost, but it sure made a difference. Now he looks and acts about ten years younger.
At 3:04 PM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
The last time that I really put my mind behind losing weight I did it with a low-carb diet & exercise. Low carb eating took a mental adjustment and planning more than anything and it wasn't horrible. I really should have at it again!!
You'll be used to it in no time.
At 3:38 PM ,
Warrior Knitter said...
You are so copying me! Post #301, indeed! (chuckle)
It sucks to be an adult. Especially a responsible, "mature" one. I agree with Cathy. You and your DH do have the right attitude. And that will make a difference. It will be a healthy life-style and God knows we can all use more that that.
At 3:40 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
I keep telling my children that when I'm 90, I'm going to fart anywhere, anytime, and not blame it on the dog.
I'm sorry about DH and the diabetes...I have no recipes--but I know Weight Watchers does have some great recipe books for that very thing. I do have a good story about a student, though--one of my all time favorite kids had diabetes, and was running track. She had a side pump--one of those gizmoz attached to a belt that took her blood sugar automatically, and gave her her insulin at the same time--and in the middle of the 1/4 mile relay, her side pump popped open...and Alex caught her insulin, tucked it back in where it belonged, shut the pump and kept going, all with one hand because the other held the baton.
You can do that when you're younger...but you can't have a Roxie to learn how to cook for you unless you've lived a few years. DH is a lucky man.
At 8:47 PM ,
Flea-Bites said...
Sorry to hear about your DH - diabetes is the curse of the western diet and lifestyle, although your DH didn't look to be overweight at his work dinner. Both Grandpa Flea and I are pre-diabetic - and we each have a family history of it. Exercise, weight loss, and low glycaemic index (low GI) foods are the way to go - lots of porridge, lentils, wholegrain breads, and low GI fruits and veggies. Check out the website http://www.glycemicindex.com/ - you can check out the GI of allsorts of food there, and get on a newsletter list. Also http://www.sanitarium.com.au/recipe/ you can search by diabetic for lots of lentil recipes etc and also get on their recipe newsletter. Good luck.
PS this is a case of do as I say - I'm the world's worst exerciser and have no self-control when it comes to food ...
At 1:03 PM ,
Pat K said...
Sorry, no words of advice about diabetes...fortunately, no personal experience with that. And you are so right about the privileges of growing old. I don't give a rats behind about a lot of stuff anymore.
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