Good day Wednesday!
I got a local independent bookstore to carry Sanna, Sorceress Apprentice!! Yayy for Looking Glass Books!!!
If you want to order the book for yourself, it is available from Author House Press fo$11 plus shipping and handling, or from Amazon for $15 plus shipping and handling.
Thank you, thank you to everyone who suggested I put in a link on the sidebar. I'll give it a try!
So, on the way back to my car from the bookstore, I was accosted by this bruiser who waddled up to me, rolled on his back and demanded a tummy rub. Is that a good omen or what!
I assume "Red" here is male because most red cats I have met are. There is so much fluff at the back that specific details are completely obscured to the casual observer. This is a PROSPEROUS cat! Wish I could have gotten a picture of him sitting with his back to me because he looked like an equilateral triangle.
I had to drop off a book at the library, and took an opportunity to go visit the geese. there are three families down at the pond. These are the youngest goslings: still fluffy and yellow, adorably going "peep, peep, peep."
And these are the oldest goslings: Already getting their grow-up feathers and just as lanky and unfinished as teenagers. Sullen and silent and greedy, too.
And this is a picture of the lovely bamboo yarn Teresa gave me for knitting the anti-lace scarf. time to wind it into balls and start swatching.
I'm just about done with the washcloths and soap project. Time to ribbon up and donate. I have some cotton yarn I dyed in shades of blues and greens a while ago. Rather than work all of it into more dishcloths, I think I will make a top of some kind. Since no two of these skeins looks even remotely alike, I'll have to figure out some way to work them all in together without being too fussy about it.
We are spending the weekend at Longbeach, Washington with MJ and Rick. DH is going to help hang drywall, and I am going to stand back and cheer. (Power tools are NOT my friends.) So this means at least 2.5 hours drive time coming and going, and lots of sittin' and talkin' time in between. I may not get to the blog til Monday morning. I'll bring lots of pictures back, though.
Grandma Flea tagged me with the seven things meme again. Again, I won't tag anyone else, but if you want to tell us seven things about yourself, please do. I love talking about myself, so here's a bit of my family background.
1. My twin brother and I were adopted as a set.
2. My parents already had two boys, eleven and twelve years old at the time.
3. My older brothers taught me how to swim.
4. I found that the hardest part of learning how to swim is getting out of the bag.
5. My older brothers introduced me to many other interesting experiences.
6. I found that stinkbugs taste worse than they smell, in spite of all brotherly advice to the contrary.
7. My twin died of a heart attack at age 47, but my two older brothers are still making life interesting for me.
At 11:31 AM ,
Willow said...
The bamboo yarn looks delicious! Think about making something beachy with it; it looks like the beach to me. Take lots of long beach walks this weekend!
At 2:33 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Wow, Roxie--I can see where Sanna gets some of her rolicking family stories! I'm sorry to hear about the twin...I love that your two older brothers are still giving you crap--in my family, that means love.
At 5:29 PM ,
Flea-Bites said...
Oh, Roxie - you are such a brave, honest person. I laughed when you said about getting out of the bag! and I nearly cried when you said you'd lost your twin brother. How lucky you two were to be adopted together. A few years ago we had billets for the Gay Games - we have remained friends with them, and visited them in Germany. Sabine took us to visit her family and we met her parents and her twin sister. They had also been adopted together at about 18 months by a wonderful couple. There must be many children who were/are not so lucky when being adopted or fostered. Not to speak of the millions of children in war torn lands. I wish I hadn't started this conversation - I'm going to cry again - I must need more sleep - I love your family! And I'm ordering your book!
At 8:23 PM ,
Warrior Knitter said...
That yarn looks yummy!
I hope you gets lots of time to knit this long weekend with all the power toolin' and talkin' and travel time.
Numbers 4, 5 & 6 on your list. LOL!!
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