An itsy bitsy bamboo bustier
The tencel and bamboo top is finished! Tah dah! Yes, I did go over to the dark side and finished it off with crochet. I expect it to be worn over a t-shirt or a tank top, but a daring (and firm) young lady could just lace it up over her bare skin if she wanted. The wenches in Victoria's secret do it all the time.
It's about a size 2. One skein of yarn goes only so far. Spaghetti straps. Lovely colors. Next, I think I'll hammer out some washcloths.
As you can see, we have more sunshine. I may even get out the sling chair and swing eneath the walnut tree this afternoon. Swinging induces very dreamy, dizzy, delightful sensations in my head. I feel it is good for my alpha rhythms and actually a needful thing to do. The sling chair is nice, but I miss my hammock.
Things to do, things to do. Must address twenty invitations to knitting before I hit the sling.
At 7:27 PM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
It's very cute!!
At 7:54 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
So pretty! Thank you for sharing! (Yeah...the best skeins of yarn will really only make a size 2...)
At 1:08 AM ,
Flea-Bites said...
I love the bamboo bustier - I'd need to be a lot slimmer and a lot bustier to wear it! I admire the way you can knit straight out of your head - I have to have a pattern.
At 6:21 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
Very lovely. When someone models it will you post more pictures?
At 1:33 PM ,
Denise said...
Just love the bustier - my Gothic daughter would wear it in a flash! Beautiful colours too :)
At 7:37 PM ,
Warrior Knitter said...
Love the bustier, colors and style. Also like the bush. Is it a rhododren?
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