The baby Surprise sweater
So I have started another one in shades of yellow and orange. And I realized that the County fair is rolling right up, and I had better get to work on my projects. Time to start thinking about printing and matting my poems for the State fair as well.
Again, asking your opinions, here's the one I considered entering for the "Short poem" category.
Gangs of young toughs, arrogant in their shiny black jackets
sweep raucously through the neighborhood.
On the orders of the Godfeather, the Crowsanostra moves in.
Think it will offend anyone?
At 9:29 AM ,
Willow said...
At first my stomach tightened at the thought of those toughs but when I read Godfeather and Crowsanostra I smiled. I don't think there will be offense taken, just their breath taken by the imagery.
Gray sweater--even some children like wearing gray. If it's finished, it's finished.
At 2:19 PM ,
Lucia said...
But the sweater is so complete as is. And I can't imagine that your poem would ruffle anyone's feathers, unless they were a real bird-brain. Don't let such thoughts be robin you of peace of mind: owl of your imagery is perfectly leagle.
At 6:07 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
I don't think the sweater is drab, it's very lovely.
Nice imagery with the poem. Why would it bother people?
At 9:05 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
Laughing over the's gorgeous... Little feathered gangsters...great!! And the baby sweater is soothing... not everyone needs a color riot (I tend to go for color riot, but then, we all know I could use a little peace in my life.)
At 8:51 PM ,
Warrior Knitter said...
GROAN!!! I love puns.
I like the sweater and it's color. The color looks soft, not drab at all.
At 4:45 PM ,
Denise said...
Love the baby cardigan - don't do anything more - it looks finished to me :)
Thanks for commenting on my Blog... Lulu likes the cardy to and says "Miiiiiiiiiine!" Don't worry, I'll keep her at bay ;)
At 6:03 PM ,
Yeah So said...
Totally love the sweater as is.
At 1:00 AM ,
Flea-Bites said...
You've done it again, Roxie. I LOVE the poem - it prompts such visual imagery for me - I can't believe you did it with words.
I like the baby surprise in grey - it's an "in" thing for bubs in the English knitting books.
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