Hail, hail, thunderstorm in spring.
And, since I'm feeling all unfocused and can't decide where to start with the rest of my life (Finishing a novel always leaves me feeling un-tied) I did wahat any right-thinking Pisces would do and re-organized my earrings. I pin them up on a linen dishtowel so I can enjoy my nice linens and so I can see what earrings I actually have. Most of these are estate-sale treasures. I like big, chunky barbaric jewelry, and that's so out of style right now. You can't even buy friendly plastic and make your own anymore. Sigh. so I scavenge the leavings of other ladies and wear them with joy and gratitude.
On the knitting front, I finished the hood of the bright orange hoody. Now, only sleeves and pocket to go. I don't have a handy 6-year old or even a teddy bear so I'm not sure how I will photograph this, but I'll come up with something somehow. (Cats are too small. The neighbor's free-range labs arre about the right size, but getting them dressed? No, I don't feel like wrasslin' a 120 lb dog for a photo op. What to do, what to do?)
At 8:06 AM ,
Willow said...
At 1:45 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Yay, ANOTHER novel is on the way? Congrats.
And, are you sure that was hail and not gravel, like in your driveway? We don't have hail here, so I can't really speak...
At 10:05 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Okay...I have some time scheduled in this weekend because I haven't read ANYTHING lately and your novel is like a special treat for me!!! Yaaaayyyy!!!! I love your jewelry display--I used to be a big barbaric earing wearer...then came child # 2...
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