some days you go for the glory
Yesterday I just felt like wearing the red hat. I love my red hats! This is camera-at-arm's-length auto-portratiture.
The dafodills are starting to come on in the back yard. I love dafodills! They are such optimists!
Again, as soon as I get the camera out, my prop-cat appears.
Even though there is no sun out, the dafodills have saved up a bunch from last summer and they blaze out like little flakes of sunshine on the greyest days.
At 8:03 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
We have tulips starting to grow in the yard. I think spring is on the way.
Love the last photo with the cat in the background. Such a ham!
At 8:05 AM ,
margene said...
Spring is a randy time of year. ;-)
You look darin' in your hat, grrl!
At 8:34 AM ,
Lucia said...
Well, now that you mention it... it is kind of flagrant. And the violets are fragrant? All the purple ones around here are sadly aromaless.
At 9:09 AM ,
Cookie said...
Great hat!
You have violets already? I'm jealous.
At 10:24 AM ,
Willow said...
One classy lady in that hat!
At 12:03 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
"...and long purples, that liberal shepherds give a grosser name, But our cold maids do "dead men's fingers" call them..." Hamlet.
So... what do we think those liberal shepherds were calling those 'long purples' that look like 'dead men's fingers'?
The red hat is awesome... if flowers can be sexy a red-hat is a downright conflagration!
At 3:50 PM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
You look as radiant as your spring flowers in your hat! I now have a bit more hope that spring will work it's way North - slowly but surely.
At 4:17 AM ,
Flea-Bites said...
Thank you for the daffodils - they are a favourite of mine. We won't see them here for six months at least (other than the hot-house variety). The NSW Cancer Council has a "Daffodil Day" each year to raise funds for cancer research and to raise awareness. So daffodils have a double meaning for me - spring and the fact that Grandpa Flea had a major cancer operation 11 years ago this month.
Whenever hats come on the scene, I break into Dr Seuss - "I like it, I like it, I like your party hat!" (from Go Dog, Go) -sometimes these oft read lines imprint themselves on your brain - we have a few of them in this house (If a bear is clever, if a bear is smart..) - I guess the second childhood has already arrived!
By the way do you belong to the Red Hat Society? - I note you have a purple scarf on. That magnolia bud looks like the sort of thing Red Hatters might get up to!
At 6:20 AM ,
Anonymous said...
You are stunningly beautiful in that red hat.
That's the a wonderful portrait of you.
Red hats rock.
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