The cat motto is -
Having no photographable knitting content (I sewed the side seams and started a sleeve on the SU&KI sweater. It doesn't photograph well.) and knowing it would be cruel to show more pictures of our grey incipient spring to those of you benighted and suffering with REAL weather, I decided to photograph another card-table cloth. As I prepared to display it, Candy came along to offer her highly decorative services. Fly was jealous that he didn't wake up in time to help, so on the left side of the picture you can see his disdainful profile.
Here is a close-up of the corner motif. This is done on even-weave linen with counted cross-stitch, all faded now and yellowed a bit with age. Come summer, I will dampen it and spread it on the grass in the sunshine. Grass and sunshine do a wonderfully gentle bleaching job. Try it.
Yesterday, I took GED tests to the jail again. Four young men this time. I mentioned that in June, the college offers a cap and gown graduation ceremony for all the GED completers for that year. You should have seen their eyes light up! I would have thought that they were too "cool" and "Tough" to be interested, but the idea of the whole cap and gown pomp and circumstance is really, really appealing to them. "Yeah, well, it's mostly for my mom." is the disclaimer for their interest, but I can see that they will be immensely proud to go through the process. Rites and rituals ARE important!
On March 4th, I will turn 57. Usually I plan a big party of some sort, but this year, for no particular reason, the time just slipped up on me. But rites and rituals and celebrations ARE important. So you are all invited to my virtual party! Come as you are. Come when you can. Screw the diet, I'm gonna make cupcakes for all! What kind of tea and which teacup would you like?
At 9:03 AM ,
Willow said...
Dahling, what a mahvelous idea! A virtual tea pahtay! Earl Grey tea in a lovely rose patterned cup, please. Shall I just bring my own favorite cup?
I shall be walking the Los Angeles Marathon 5K Walk in your honor that day.
I have only one or two pieces of old embroidery. I was given kitten pillowcases for my wedding but the thread has worn out of them and the crocheted edging has ravelled. Many years ago... The colors in your table cloth are lovely!
Check out Mia's discussion of Henry James's books...
At 9:07 AM ,
JulieLoves2Knit said...
May I be the First to wish you an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Way to go!!! Sorry about the gloomy weather - be thankful you're not here - Camp Sherman is encased in snow! Again and I'm tired of it!!
Knit Peace
At 9:19 AM ,
Amy Lane said...
(*Work is letting me comment--yippeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!)
Hm... for your 37th...I mean young is your great heart again? Will your much indulged, precocious and whimsical inner 5 year old be there? Can my inner 5 year old join her, and they can go out and pet kittens and poke banana slugs with sticks? Anyway...I would love the rose colored china and those little Russian Tea Cakes please... (and happy happy birthday)
At 10:42 AM ,
margene said...
Any teacup is fine and I'll take ginger tea, please;-) Enjoy your birthday Roxie!! Too bad we can't celebrate side by side!
At 11:13 AM ,
Lucia said...
Tea: ginger. Cup: the one with all the multicolored cats on it. (Should you not own such a cup, fear not: I will bring mine.)
Happy birthday! March fo(u)rth in gladness, for you are in your prime.
At 5:59 PM ,
Tammy said...
I think I can come, our anniversary is the 5th, so the kids will be gone for an overnighter on the 3rd, back sometime on the 4th. Um, can I have the nice little china one with maybe some orange spice.
At 6:13 PM ,
Pat K said...
Dear girl, happy birthday! But I'll have to pass on the party. And I have a good reason -- seems you and Joe have the same birthday. (Only he is --slightly-- younger.) Cheers!
At 7:42 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hurray!!! Excellent planning on the part of the Divine and Lovely Universe, creating a Roxie 57 years ago this March 4!!! Even more excellent planning, letting us be her friends -- virtually, in-person, and blogistically. Rare white tea in a jet-black cup and BLUEBERRIES on the side! Love you, Roxie!
At 7:47 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Roxie: Happy Birthday
How about a nice Raspberry and white chocolate chip muffin with mint tea.
Virtual B-day parties are the best, cleanup is so easy.
At 4:19 AM ,
Janette said...
Girl, I haven't forgotten you. Hang out for that mailman!!!
Black tea with lemon in a white tea cup thanks.
Have a fabulous day! xx
At 6:32 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Happy birthday :)
I'll have virtual tea and holographic teacup, because there's just no way I can fly out for a party :(
At 7:23 PM ,
Norma said...
I'll have Earl Grey in a white cup, please!
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