It was clear and cloudless last night which means that the temperature plummeted and frost formed on the edges of everything. And this morning, the sun rose in sparkling clarity - as I was driving in to work. Geeze I hate daylight savings time! I did this driving into the dawn a month ago. Still, it was a beautiful sunrise. A sliver of moon floating over the southern horizon and a few mackarelle clouds picking up the peach and apricot light until the sun rolled up in blinding glory. I learned from watching "Black Sheep Squadron" on black and white TV, to hold my thumb over the sun to keep from burning out my retinas while facing in that direction. Who said TV wasn't educational?

Lucia referred to me as "The new Georgia O'Keefe in Oregon. So I have gone silly with sexy flower photos. Lush, sensual spring!
I could write some naughty poetry to match if you like.

Now, DH wants to take the laptop to visit the geeks, so cheerio and pip-pip dears!
At 11:59 AM ,
Lucia said...
Georgia, Georgia...
By all means write whatever poetry you like, but a picture is worth 1000 naughty words -- and besides, you may need them for your book. Is Our Heroine still holed up in the cabin, or is she out disporting herself in the verdant valley by now?
At 1:17 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Thanks for the pictures of spring flowers. It gives me something to look forward to, with the snowstorm heading my way tomorrow.
At 3:47 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
yarn porn, flower porn...who needs trashy vampire books when EVERYTHING is 'coming' up roses!!
At 4:13 PM ,
Flea-Bites said...
So that's what Georgia O'keefe is saying! (Just joking - I have her poster of 'ladder to the moon' opposite the bed!) I love that magnolia bud - can't wait to see it in full bloom.
At 4:49 PM ,
Lyssa said...
Flowers are not enough. I need trashy vampire fiction too.
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