it's Saturday, it's sunny, and I got sky!
As promised, for those poor folks suffering in the snowstorms back East, this is what spring is going to look like. Flowering plums against blue skies.
Red Camelias the size of saucers.
Willow trees budding out in that specila color that is almost yellow.
Forsythia exploding in blasts of happiness
This is what spring is going to look like. Teenagers will shiver in t-shirts and shorts while it is still far too cold for them, women will buy strappy sandals and wear floral print skirts, and the song of the lawnmower will be heard again in the land. You just have to hunker down and BELIVE!
At 3:55 PM ,
Norma said...
*click, click, click*
"There's no place like spring.....
....there's no place like spring....
There's no place like ...."
At 4:44 PM ,
Willow said...
I was hoping to knit myself an aran, but yes I have several little uns around more than happy to model for me.
About stickers, I'd cruise Hallmark or Target. there are lots and lots of stickers around. Ones with no pictures, just words like I'm proud of you, great work would be good for older kids. Actually the teenagers might get a kick out of cartoon or animal stickers. There's a sticker store in Farmers Market at 3rd and Fairfax in West LA, don't know if they have a website...
At 6:53 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
I believe, sister, I believe:-)
At 8:35 PM ,
Wannietta Kirkpatrick said...
Well, that does it! I'm running away to your house!!!
At 10:52 AM ,
Tammy said...
I wore those strappy sandals the other day and the capri pants and decided it was still too cold for me, even through it was 70 F.
I'm headed to CA this week where is might be in the 80's!!
You have such a beautiful neighborhood. Our ornamental cherry trees are trying to bloom this week. It is so pretty.
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