Happy post Patrick's Day
And then, who should decide to act on the cat motto ("Everything is better with me in it.") but Blackjack, AKA Jack the Ripper, AKA the three-cornered cat. He hopped up on the desk, got himself attractively posed and said, "This is my best side - three quarter shot please."
He has been having some trouble getting around, because his back feet were slipping on the hardwood. I put him on his back on my lap, and though he usually HATES to have his feet fooled with, he sat very quiet while I trimmed the long fur from around his foot pads. He has much better traction now.
Blogger is having problems (again!) so if you want to comment, and it won't let you on, go ahead and e-mail me (flyingfish3@comcast.net) and I will edit you in.
DH is still snarfing and sneezing and sick in bed. And I bet a nickle he will get up and go to work like the hero he is tomorrow. When he's too sick to go to work, I start thinking it's time to go to urgent care.
I am thinking warm, cozy safe thoughts to everyone who is facing snow and such crud today. We're back to rain, but it's fifty degrees, so life is good! Of course, we'll have to hire the whacker brothers and their machetes to get the lawn down to mowable height in another week. Anyone want to loan me a sheep?
At 12:56 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Wow, that is gorgeous!
The Sanna's Sampler. it's great. Who knew all those colors would look so good together.
At 12:00 AM ,
Flea-Bites said...
Testing, testing ...
At 12:03 AM ,
Flea-Bites said...
It worked! I'm glad we're back on air again, Roxie. I can't rewrite my comments that didn't reach you, as inspiration comes but once, and repetition is a pale shadow ... that's assuming I could remember my inspiration! I know it had something to do with Grandpa Flea trembling in his socks after reading your poetry ..... (I made him take them off!)
At 12:08 AM ,
Flea-Bites said...
I remember - what's a "junco"? We might know them by another name perhaps - photo please!
And that pink flower IS a magnolia - just not the one that they grow down south in Florida. We have the Florida variety here but more common are the pink ones, and a deep maroon coloured one called a "port wine magnolia" - and the little magnolia stellata with little - wait for it - star like flowers! I love them all, but the pink one is my favourite (needless to say, none of them are indigenous).
At 9:04 AM ,
roxie said...
Amy Lane e-mailed me to say that the Whacker Brothers sounds like a porn film partnership. Oh my goodness, it does, doesn't it? So unlike me to miss something like that. I must be losing my touch.
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