What do you do?
I was half-way through the rum balls, and my grinder broke. So I fell back on low-tech solutions. I dumped five boxes of vanilla wafers into a pillowcase, wound a stout rubber band around the top, and began to smack it against the counter, the floor, the walls. I can't tell you how good it felt, swinging that pillowcase full of cookies. SMASH! Crunch! Whammo! And it was working really, really well. I was just about ready to sieve the crumbs through colander but I wanted just one or two good whacks, just for the fun of it. That's when a seam split and cookie crumbs sprayed all over the kitchen. I will be finding cookie crumbs for weeks, I just know it. I swept and brushed and sponged for about forty minutes. Thought I had it all. Went to get some milk for my tea. There were cookie crumbs on top of the refrigerator, that showered over my hands when I opened the door. I wiped down the top of the fridge, and had to sweep the floor again. I reached for the cookbook with my rum ball recipe in it. The top was covered with cookie crumbs which of course scattered widely. I wiped down all the books and the bookshelves, and swept the floor again. I noticed this morning that there are cookie crumbs in the overhead light fixture. Screw it. They can stay there!
And with all this scatter, most of the crumbs stayed in the pillowcase. I was able to get another batch of cookies finished, and there's almost enough for a final batch. Today I am going to walk down to the liquor store and buy a half-pint of bourbon. Then I'll step over to the grocery and buy some chopped pecans. And I will use the scant remaining crumbs to make a batch of bourbon and pecan balls, just for me. There are about twenty pounds of rum balls that will need to ripen for a few weeks, then get packed up and shipped around the country. And after I get that done, I will by gods need a treat!
And there is additional kitchen news: We have ants. They are the teensy, weeny, tiny little black ones that are a bit smaller than a speck of pepper, but you know when you have one in your food because they taste angry when you bite them. We have put out the ant traps and the infestation has waned considerably, but with the feast of cookie crumbs sifting into every impenetrable crevice and cranny, those ants are going to think every one of them is having a birthday party at the same time. I think I'll pick up more ant traps at the store as well. Can I get anything for you while I'm out?
Knitting happens this weekend. DH found a recipe for carrot cake that uses pineapple and coconut, and requested that I make it up. So we will have carrot cake, lemon meringues, rum balls, maple cream cookie sandwiches (I bought a box of them because I adore them, and this way, I won't eat the whole damn box all by myself); a tropical fruit salad with pineapple, oranges, and mangoes; and turkey and cheese on whole wheat tortillas, rolled and sliced decoratively. I have a new green tablecloth, and a center runner embroidered with autumnal tones, so I'm going with a green theme for the china. Not bright spring green, but sort of muted avocado. I am going to try really, really hard to get some proper photos this time. Please let me know if you are coming.
And with all this scatter, most of the crumbs stayed in the pillowcase. I was able to get another batch of cookies finished, and there's almost enough for a final batch. Today I am going to walk down to the liquor store and buy a half-pint of bourbon. Then I'll step over to the grocery and buy some chopped pecans. And I will use the scant remaining crumbs to make a batch of bourbon and pecan balls, just for me. There are about twenty pounds of rum balls that will need to ripen for a few weeks, then get packed up and shipped around the country. And after I get that done, I will by gods need a treat!
And there is additional kitchen news: We have ants. They are the teensy, weeny, tiny little black ones that are a bit smaller than a speck of pepper, but you know when you have one in your food because they taste angry when you bite them. We have put out the ant traps and the infestation has waned considerably, but with the feast of cookie crumbs sifting into every impenetrable crevice and cranny, those ants are going to think every one of them is having a birthday party at the same time. I think I'll pick up more ant traps at the store as well. Can I get anything for you while I'm out?
Knitting happens this weekend. DH found a recipe for carrot cake that uses pineapple and coconut, and requested that I make it up. So we will have carrot cake, lemon meringues, rum balls, maple cream cookie sandwiches (I bought a box of them because I adore them, and this way, I won't eat the whole damn box all by myself); a tropical fruit salad with pineapple, oranges, and mangoes; and turkey and cheese on whole wheat tortillas, rolled and sliced decoratively. I have a new green tablecloth, and a center runner embroidered with autumnal tones, so I'm going with a green theme for the china. Not bright spring green, but sort of muted avocado. I am going to try really, really hard to get some proper photos this time. Please let me know if you are coming.
At 10:16 AM ,
Dave Daniels said...
Ahem...AND you have ants? Really?
Hahahahahahahaha. Have some of the rum. In a glass.
At 12:19 PM ,
Benita said...
Do cats like vanilla wafers? If so, at least the ones in the lower nooks and crannies will be cleaned up.
Gosh, I would have loved to have seen the look on your face, and I can imagine the words that flew from your mouth.
At 12:53 PM ,
mplanck said...
Whack and Twack! That'll teach those darned cookies a thing or two! So why do our most brilliant ideas sometimes backfire? Of course, the sound in the background are the ants celebrating their windfall. Oh Roxie!
At 3:13 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Try some Totally Amazing cleaner ($1/bottle at the Dollar Tree). Spray it on ants and they die INSTANTLY. IF they come back, spray again - I've never had to spray more than twice. It's a lot less toxic and a lot more effective than anything else I have tried.
At 5:06 PM ,
Rose L said...
LOL I can picture you swinging that bag around!
I used to just place the cookies into a ziploc bag,get most of the air out as possible, then roll over it with a rolling pin to break them into miniscule crumbs. Works great.
At 5:47 PM ,
Lyssa said...
Oh no, what a mess! I feel your pain - I dropped a graham cracker pie crust once when I was taking it out of the oven, and the crumbs went everywhere...including somehow inside the (glass) oven door.
Yeah. They stayed there until we were cleaning the house to sell a year later.
At 6:58 PM ,
sophanne said...
I would do that. Exactly the same. I mean the whole busted pillowcase. Except I wouldn't be so diligent about cleaning it up and I would get more ants and as mr. Sophanne was trying to figure out the why and how of the sudden increase in ants I would shrug my shoulders and look puzzled. This is why he likes to keep me out of the kitchen.... At least I'm pretty self aware...
At 7:58 PM ,
Tim Young said...
Roxie, Cindy and I laughed so hard we cried. You are truly a wonderful artist with the written word. Thank you, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's great ideas sometimes turn into an epic story.
At 4:37 AM ,
Donna Lee said...
I use vinegar on ants. They seem not to like it (they shrivel)
I have always made carrot cake with coconut and pineapple and nuts and raisins (it's really fruit and nut cake with raisins).
The knitting luncheon sounds yummy-but then it always does. You are an inventive hostess.
At 5:07 AM ,
Saren Johnson said...
You'll be finding stale cookie crumbs forever. Good luck with that. =^.^=
At 10:51 PM ,
Galad said...
KnitTech is right - those crumbs will be the gift that keeps on giving. Hopefully the ants will get full and depart.
At 5:23 PM ,
Amy Lane said...
Z.omg... zomg zomg zomg... can't breathe... laughing too hard... *sobers* *groans* Oh, but the clean up! And the ants! Wow. Just wow. THAT'S a story to go with the rum balls baby!
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